A Moldy Stump

Ahh ok.. I didn't see your comment below. I understand the type of person you mean, they give cannabis a bad name.

I'm not standing up against anyone. I'm relieving my anxiety and depression disorders without use dangerous and addictive medications.

You just brought gun to a... Cat Fight!!

As someone who is fairly new to steam, I got it when Portal was first made free permanently, since then I've only bothered to buy Kerbal Space Program and I reinstalled Microsoft Flight through Steam. What games would people recommend I buy? I don't have any friends on steam yet so my "recommended" tab is empty. I

So was this trailer meant for investors that don't, for some reason, know what a GTA game is? I mean, to me , the way everything was presented, with a full descriptive explanation from a clear calm toned female voice just felt like it wasn't meant for consumers who would likely already have a good idea of this stuff?

I was aware, although I dont go there often, I usually only watch it when I see it on tv.

I need to find this episode

I gotta get me one of these, its so awesome looking!!

I think you misread what he said..

Newscasters don't necessarily have to understand what they're reporting, just look at Bill O' Reilly. Anyways, the actual story was fine the facts were presented and any viewers that care about the subject understood what she said.

The console would likely use a lower power state to do the update, and ever since the S they've come with a built in adapter so if you have internet and a route, dont see why you couldnt connect, there is no forgetting..

You dont see why choosing the right 9 friends to share games between would be a good thing? How if my friend whos really into RPGs and my friend whose all about racers both put me in their share groups, i never have to buy a racing game or RPG because I know they'll be on top of it, and I can play them when I choose

It would appear to me the company yelling the loudest would have the plants no? since they would be trained to make posts that appeal to people and get seen and upvoted/shared/recommended etc. ? Sounds more like Sony to me.

lol everyone who defends microsoft must be working for them eh?

Sony fanboys dont have friends online since they can't talk across games, game against each others avatars, or compare achievements. So when they heard they couldnt exchange games from day one to random nobodies, that they actually had to know them for at least a month they freaked out and screamed about not buying a

it would have done it for you, at night, no interruptions..

So can I just not ever get the patch and be happy?

People like you will never fucking be happy you ruin gaming for everyone. This isn't Next-Gen its This Gen, again.

Strange I never experienced any of this, my xbox runs every single day without fault, and if it goes down its likely the rest of my internet connected appliances are down as well

I LOL'd harder than I should have