As someone who enjoys them on XBLA, I am still sad they will never again have a place on the Nintendo where they belong
As someone who enjoys them on XBLA, I am still sad they will never again have a place on the Nintendo where they belong
ITT: A bunch of people who don't understand how Xbox live works. No one complained when 1 vs. 100 was advertised as Free2Play, you needed a gold subscription for that too. The thousands of players on Happy Wars every day seem to be enjoying that F2P game. So why is it such a big deal now? Because its F2P on PC with…
We like to call them "First-World Problems"
All I hear is that my completion percentage which is around the 50% mark is going to be demolished..
Quality over Quantity
Millions of people use Xbox Live, only a few thousand(maybe) are employed by Microsoft across the world. You think they're honestly sitting there watching you smoke your bong? They don't give a fuck what you do in front of Kinect because you gave them money.
XB One Kenobi