It’s also the strongest field the 500 has perhaps ever had. You also have to keep in mind that quote was when Derek Daly was crying to anyone/everyone to give his son a ride (which has happened this year, and his tune has markedly changed), and also that the IBJ looks to dig the knife into IndyCar literally any chance

Only 145 were built because somebody had the good sense to stop it.

Uh....that’s not his name....

That navigation is the biggest botched abortion in car interiors. They ruined an otherwise competent interior by making it look like you mounted an iPad to an air vent. Horrible.

This is what happens when all you Jalopnik writers keep telling people to “drive stick”!

Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.