UW Green Bay’s nickname is not Badgers. Thats UW Madison....

Forgot Star Wars wrap. This is my friends’ Veloster wrapped like Boba Fett's armor:

When I saw the title I was all ready to go ballistic that Vonnegut (and Breakfast of Champions) wouldn’t be in there....and yet...there it was. You have restored my faith in you!

Let the greatest genius of our generation answer that question for you:

Rolls Royce, but not a car one...I’ve always loved the Merlin

In 1978, 10 of us stuffed into my two uncles VW Rabbits to “take a little drive up Pikes Peak”. This was before they put up a lot of the guardrails and other things that might help a car from becoming a coffin. I don’t have video of the drive, but let’s just say it was pretty damn scary...especially since I was in the

I didn’t like it much, either, the first time I read it as a teenager, finding it to be bland with old, used up sci fi themes. Later, however, I understood that, at the time the book was written, the concepts that I had found to be cliché were novel and new. As well stated by Ms. Eddy, so much of the book has been

The Spike TV involvement shocked me a bit as well, but I would go to Z’ha’dum to see another JMS produced sci fi series...

Well then, on behalf of Pontiac/Firebird/muscle car lovers everywhere, let me be the first to give you the bird!

Porsche will charge extra for each electron....

Sweet! Thanks!

Thanks....there was some article I read saying that the insurance on the “P” versions was high. Maybe outdated info or only certain areas, etc

There are reports that auto insurance companies are charging ludicrous prices for insuring “P” optioned Teslas. Any truth to that?

“The Inquisitors Strike”? We’re they not getting paid enough or does the Empire’s health plan suck?

That's just urinalysis!

While the Cuyahoga may still be a burning, the 0-60 on this car will be anything but hot. Good luck on that on ramp merge.

Totally agree that Dick came up with great premises and ideas but the stories themselves were meh. If one wants proof - what’s the only major movie based on a book that is better than the book? Yep...

Too much of a SAAB story...

What’s not to like? NP all the way...unless there are some details missing...