Star Trek: The Voyage Back to Television

At a former hospital I used to work at we had an old building with a large room that we used for storage. However, there was still a system of tubes in the ceiling that they used to use to administer insulin shock therapy. Apparently they would wheel the patients in on stretchers grab a tube from the ceiling and hook

Forgot to ask - anyone have experience with the maintenance on one of these? Is it Ferrari like in terms of cost? I have heard that the R8, which shares some parts with the the Gallardo is a bit more reasonable in maintenence costs vs Ferrari. Is the Lambo similiar? Just curious...

Price is a bit high....for a bit more cash you can find one with half to a quarter as many miles. Nice car, and would have no issue buying it if the price were a bit lower.

I concur with “On Your Majesty’s...” being the best... I also agree with Goldfinger being 3rd or 4th.

In space, no one can hear your tires squeal...

So they’re “Straight outta Compton”!

I hear the bathroom is based partly on a log function

The other thing I noticed was that he closed his eyes as the ghost came close. Perhaps that is part of it as well - maybe the four symbols imprint on the retinas or something like that. They seem to have made a big deal about the symbols reflecting in the eyes of those that saw them (still shots of the symbols

Thanks! I want to re-watch the episode to make sure, but my thought was that the one crewman (also wanted to re-watch because I couldn’t remember his name) was spared by the “ghost” because he never went into the ship to see the four symbols and get them imprinted into his brain. Thus, he cannot be a “transmitter”, so

It just hit me why the one crewmember was not killed by the ghost with the wrench... soon after another had another thought that’s more if a spoiler, so I wont post it...I think I see how this one is going to end...

I loved MechCommander. Great game. Also one of the first computer games that I thought had some great “in game” music

Seller is maybe thinking they can get a buyer who is a big fan of the brand and/or a collector to whom 80K is change stuck in the proverbial sofa cushions. I think if I were such a person with that kind of money I would rather find a much cheaper example and spend the money on restoring it the exact way I would want

No Pynchon? No Le Guin? No Vonnegut?

Hey, how about a little love for the guy who posted the video, eh?

Now playing

But it’s my destiny to be the king of suede...

Hey, be careful...some folks are allergic to Peanuts...

Best stealth fighter ever - after they built it, they couldn’t find it!

Was thinking that perhaps another good bet would be to buy a new or CPO diesel from a competitor. Any diesel car’s rep and price is going to take “collateral damage” from VWs mess, even if a different brand. I say its time to get that E250 Bluetec...especially if you can find an older one on CPO

Best MacGuffin movie ever...