Still upset that Wilson never got the best supporting actor Oscar....

I believe Axel was from Detroit...

Make all the fun of him you want, but Shatner deserves way more credit than he is given for making the character of Kirk....and come to think of it, Shatner would probably be the first to make fun of...himself...

All joking aside (the side view mirror has a bite taken out of it), it’s at least 10k or so higher than most 2004 Gallardos. CP

Uh....did you read my post? I didnt say no computers. What I am saying...the computer can be an autopilot and aid to prevent accidents, etc. Still want the human there when the situation is too complex or odd for the computer to handle.

Dude, ever hear of the Beagle 2? We’ve missed a couple times...

Funny, I thought it was a non smoking flight...

Many community colleges now restrict auto repair courses to just those getting their ASE cert or similar. I know none of the ones in my area let someone take an auto repair course unless they are “full time in the program”

A computer is going to consider the Hudson a “safe landing zone?” Not for quite awhile. Creative problem solving is beyond AI at least for a few decades.

So when you have a bird sucked into an engine right after takeoff, do you think a computers gonna land a plane on the Hudson? It’s more than just psychology...we humans are better than computers after the $hit hits the fan...

We had autopilots in aircraft able to fly planes autonomously since the 70s. The reason we don’t have pilot less aircraft is the same reason we won’t see fully autonomous cars anytime soon - they still can’t handle the odd, the unexpect, and inevitable system failures.

I’m going to Wichita
Race this frog in SCCA for evermore
I’m gonna work the Renault
Make the oil drip out of every bore

Yeah, but have you ever tried to inflate a Corsair?

I’ll do one better - a plane made by a tire company - The Goodyear Inflatoplane!

Saw this car at the Milwaukee Masterpiece car show last month. When they started the engine, the sound was amazing...

It was even better back in the day when Meigs was in operation.


Joe Living Daylights is great because Joe Don Baker - MITCHELL!

Question - when was the last time an open wheeled car driver was killed by fire? Or even critically injured? Seems like with flame resistant suits and emergency response crews close by, the threat of fire seems a bit overstated....and if the fire issue is not really an issue, doesn’t that also reduce the issue of