Fox Sports Channel? Really....anyone remember CNN/SI? The sports channel market is already getting saturated. If Fox was smart, it would just bolster its sports content on Fox. Speed had a nice niche, and I think Fox will end up regreting this move...

Too bad the title "Game of Thrones" is already taken...

you dont like ice cream, do you?

beat me to it...I would love to have one...

thats easy

I want Dr. Evil to want a freakin' swimming pool with freakin' sharks with freakin' laser beams on their foreheads and hold the world ransom for one millllliioon dollahs again!

Agree. Get the S6, flash the ECU and you have a car that is just as fast, plus a nice "Q-ship" that the cops aren't going to give a second glance at, plus a car that fits five instead of well as about $10-20K more left in the bank.

Oh, also, like the name. I was a fan of Mr. Bungle back in the day...

Beyond being great at negotiating, there is another advantage - alot of salemen just don't know what to do when faced with a woman who can haggle right back at them. It really throws some of them off their game.

My Asian wife is by far a much better negotiator than I am, as she is used to haggling over price because in her native country that is the way you buy most things. She is awesome at dealing with all the tactics that salespeople use, as she tells me, they use alot of the same tactics in the marketplaces back in her

I was wondering that myself......was the brother driving the Honda? If he was a passenger in the Audi, why is he being charged as well?

This makes me sick. Street racing is stupid, but doing so in an urban or suburban area is beyond stupid, and hitting triple digits in such an environment? ...come on...

Now playing

Great Faith No More reference - "Angel Dust", the album "Midlife Crisis" is from, is one of the most underrated albums of the 90's. Video here:

The movie will tank, but not because of Card's views. The problem is that, if the move is even remotely loyal to the book, it will be a movie about kids, but not for kids. Adults unfamiliar with the story will not see it figuring its a kids movie, and kids who see it will likely totally miss the nuances and ethical

My Dad had a Corvette like the one in the picture, and I swear that you could make the car "wink" like that on purpose (not just due to a bad actuator for the headlight). He would pull into the driveway from work and "wink" the car at me. Anyone have a 'vette of that era (early 70's) who can verify?

I bet the pilots of that United 747 got a good look at what happened....

I'll keep my eyes out for ya! Seriously, though, it is funny up here how certain car models just disappear from the roads once the first snow falls, then once spring hits, they all come back. Corvettes, in particular, seem to vanish with snow and reappear in the spring.

The early Audi R8s with the V8 engine are now going for around 90K. I have seen a few with 30,000-40,000 miles going for around 80K. Mid engine supercar with Audi comfort and reliability, not to mention Quattro, which means you don't have to park it in the garage in the winter.

Judging by the fact that I have yet to see a RWD (non Xdrive) BMW being driven in the winter months here in Wisconsin, I would say that its the RWD BMW drivers that have no clue how to drive their RWD car in the snow...

Piper "Traumahawk" - once it gets into a spin, it doesn't get out....