Dude? You didn't just really...

I think we'll be okay.

"I'm stuck with just a P1. (sighs)" Lol

is it brown? is it a wagon?

He's vandalizing with purpose to make the world a better place, no reason to result to vulgar obscenities that any child walking by could read. Keepin it from getting too rude while also spray painting cars, sounds like a complex dude

Every week should be BMW week

Are you by chance the type of guy who waits outside of a woman's house taking pictures and constantly calling then saying "it's not illegal what's the issue?".

To Chevrolet, Electric Cars are Gay

Horses are physically incapable of driving motor vehicles.

I'll look up "warrantied" if you look up "deverbal adjective" and "adjectival participle."

Safe, cheap, easy to work on, worth working on:


Lol...jokes on her, I have shitty life insurance.

The car has Speciale Needs, not unlike their other new models, the Competizione LD (supposedly "Leggera Dominazione") the Stradale MR (allegedly "Maestro Rosso"), and the upcoming concept code-named "Trisomia 21"

Automatic... BRZ... Oh no...

That's certainly the American way of thinking!

Oh, her parents got food alright...

Soo... what time did it set on the hillclimb?