
what if her car just went kerplunk. is that murder too?

There are a fuckton of reasons against random stops, which is why it's against the law to tailgate. The big difference here is that those are momentary stops, while this was sustained.

You're right, in Texas she would not be at fault. The motorcyclist would be at fault for speed and failure to maintain a safe following distance.

I think you grossly overestimate him. He did spend 4 days of his honeymoon photoshopping wedding photos because "Kim is the most important person on the internet" and the people deserve to see her at her best.

Gotcha, I don't have kids so I wasn't aware . When you add the moccasins to Freshly Picked, just sounds like your taking them off the recently dead bodies of natives. But, I readily admit I'm a moron, so there's that.

Don't forget JNCO jeans.

psh...I would totally wear the outfit on the left. I do wish it were easier to find clothes that were as well-fitted as 1950s fashion plates make them look.

Even without this (fitting) illustration plus Isha's mention of Normcore, I'd be inclined to agree with you. I can't think of a fashion decade that's been more lacklustre and uninspiring. Oftentimes, too, even the expensive stuff looks cheap and tatty.

I was so against the 80's coming back because it was just so terrible. But more and more my mom keeps looking at pieces of my clothing and being like "hey, I owned stuff like that in the 80s!". I realized that most of what made the 80's terrible was 1) the hair, 2) the glasses and 3) the shoulder pads. Other than that

that makes more sense but even so my brain is like "why wouldn't you let go?"

Um, if that's what society deems a "normal body" then I'll just be over here in the corner, killing myself.

Based on the reaction, if I were Miss Indiana I would probably worry I'm way heavier than I thought. She is teeny tiny.

Wait, I'm confused. This fit form is a "normal body?" I would kill to have a "normal body" like this. On the other hand, I am far too lazy to do the kind of work she clearly does to have it. Also, I am middle aged. Which I think makes my flabby middle aged body "normal." Or, at least, average.

I lived through the Epilady. One try and I said, "Oh, HELL NO."

There is always a gigantic tool family that doesn't like the house because they don't like the fucking furniture and I'm sitting there screaming at the TV "THAT ISN'T YOURS YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO KEEP IT!"

I can't do Househunters. Cannot do it.* Because paint color is not important, and every dumb shit on that show is all like "eeew, I don't like the paint color..." But it's in your budget and the neighborhood you want and it has all kinds of amazing features and it's a perfect goddamn house but since you don't like the

How is the reporter "smug" for doing his job? Celebrities lie through their teeth and no one calls them on it. No one. I'd pick this reporter up and carry him around on my shoulders. He should be applauded.

He's like if you took Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, fused them into one person, and gave them free range to talk about penises.

Reminds me of how Jessica Biel claimed she doesn't get rules because directors say her beauty would be a distraction. *eyes rolling*

Am I the only one who thinks Amber Heard isn't that great of an actress? I don't think she can blame it all on slim pickens for movie roles for women.