
I don't understand why now, they are upset. It's the beginning of the season, nothing great is happening right now anyways. And other players have done this without incident. A-Rod (I know, we hate him) but he took 3 days off to be with his then wife when she gave birth. Dustin Pedroia also took time off when his wife

I hate dummies (Charlie McCarthy specifically) my Mom knew this. The first night in our new house, she secretly put him on my bed and made me go in there by myself. I went to turn on the light in my room and saw that damn doll sitting there. I not only screamed bloody murder, I flew (DID NOT TOUCH A SINGLE STEP, my

Either the New Orleans one or the back to NY one. I can't remember which was last.

I did the same thing with the Cookie Crisp cereal. It was magical! I still let her know about how glorious it was...

Right now my state is trying to decide if they should follow Arizona and Hawaii (I think) in doing away with all this and just keeping us at the summer hours. I'm so hoping they get rid of it. It takes me forever to get used to it, people are happier when the sun is out longer, and I really do think it will bring us

It's a state by state thing. There are still dry counties in Tennessee. Liquor stores are closed on Sundays in Connecticut. But here in Florida, you can buy liquor on any day and time and even our CVS/Walgreens carry liquor.

My Mom (an ex Catholic) always loved the guy (all of them) that played Jesus in these movies. I, an atheist always loved Judas (and Pilate when I saw both versions of Jesus Christ Superstar on Broadway.) I think that says something!

He was the definition of a brilliant actor. I always loved him and dreamed of seeing him on stage...

What happened to this guy? Remember when he worked in IT (or something like that) and seemed like a normal nice guy? This was before Kate's plastic surgery and all the scandals. I know people change, but this just seemed like a 180. When he wore the Ed Hardy shirts, I thought that it was a phase. I guess not.

It looks like a diaper...

I have a rescue chihuahua. If it wasn't for her being abused in her past life, I would totally do this! But I feel like she's paid her dues. But seriously, I'm loving this too much!

Yes, my brother is one of them. He has 4 kids, and they don't supervise or make their kids brush their teeth. They are all under 10 and have yellow gross looking teeth, riddled with cavities.

Other articles state that they check the baby's heartbeat daily. But it never mentioned if they ever performed an ultrasound. That alone can tell you if the baby is growing at a normal rate, or at all. You can also see the heart chambers and the brain. I hope they performed an ultrasound, but it is Texas....

That's what I'm hoping for! I think it's great for men to have that bonding time too.

I consider myself very lucky that my Husband wants to and will be taking paternity leave once our first born comes along. It's for 2 weeks only, but a little bit will help a lot considering we have no clue what we're doing!

I was jealous as a kid cause of my cousin. She was born Christmas Eve, but she had multiple parties, and a load, I mean a ton of Birthday gifts PLUS Christmas gifts. The same with my Husband's cousin. She's got a birthday between Thanksgiving and Christmas and she gets just as much as my cousin. So, no. I don't feel

Pet Rescue is what I'm hooked on! Haven't played Candy Crush but I LOVE rescuing those animals! They shake when you're about to lose them, I CAN'T LET THEM DIE!!!!

Yea, somehow people yelling at me that I'm crazy or that I don't know what I'm talking about is not going to make me fall in love with her...


I cried walking around the Jim Henson exhibit at the movie museum in NYC. I also cried at the Tim Burton exhibit in MoMa. Yes, the children in both shows looked at me like I had 5 heads. Happiest days of my life!