Not gonna lie... I would have loved that!!!!
Not gonna lie... I would have loved that!!!!
My Husband, the lawyer says that the contract was broken when the items were not received. Her money was returned, therefore no sales took place. Again, every state is different so who knows!
"responds by building scar tissue around the coils."
Nope! I don't care what anyone thinks. I've had a pixie for years now. It's so easy and I felt liberated. My Husband says, "If a woman's short hair makes you not want to have sex, then something is seriously wrong!"
My Husband and I want to name our future daughter, Sophie. He hates Sophia for some reason though I love it. But he also hates that other do/will use that name. But I tell him that it's a pretty name regardless, and she won't have to go through life being named after a a frownie girl, or some terrible stripper name!
I just thought that Brandy's secret was that she was pregnant before the wedding or maybe before the engagement...
This is exactly what I was thinking!
It seems very fitting that Lithgow would be married to a professor.
Back in 2006 I had the pleasure of meeting Julie Chen, for a segment she did at Pottery Barn (where I worked). Believe me it's not contouring. My Mom was a makeup artist back in the day and taught me all the tricks of the trade. While she does have flawless skin, that nose is not what she was born with.
I was told that once I became an adult, my skin would look awesome! Lies all LIES!!! If anything my pores have gotten bigger and the blackheads living in them laugh at me! I've stopped wasting my money, but can't I just have one beautiful skin day where everyone "Ooh's" and "Aah's" and all the best pictures were…
I've explained it to several people, and they STILL think it was an accident or no big deal. I just don't get it. I think maybe a lot of people are in denial or something...
Most dungeons (that's right) no matter the fetish do not allow sex. Some dungeons don't allow sex or nudity. Let's just say, I had fun in college.
My Chihuahua looks like one of those dogs in the Sarah Mclachlan commercials... "WHY do they bathe me??????"
UNLESS the people around her, hate her. Just a thought. But yeah, this is terrible!
I would LOVE to have a yogurt party with Jamie Lee Curtis!!
I'm aware of how old Janis was when she died. But it's Hollywood and they can make people look old or young with all the makeup and special effects. Plus, I don't really think she looks that old, if anything Janis looked older than she was because of all the drugs and alcohol she did!
He could be a smoker... But I know that some men's voice changes as they get older. It get deeper. Happened to my Grandpa.
Same here!
I think the Jonas brothers are actually more talented. They seem to be doing side work when not recording an album. I saw Nick in Les Miserables, and I was shocked. I knew that's how he started, but I'm glad he proved to be more than abs and boy band material.