
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

PLEASE fuck off

fuck off

wow, sorry I have to ban you from Jezebel now.

You mean eisegesis, and you’re kind of a dick. Beyoncé’s art is succeeding in some cases in making people more woke, and if someone is proud for getting something, at long last, for being woken up, for seeing, why not?

And of course, the end result is that it’s all the wimmins fault for being “tempting” to the poor mens who can’t keep their dicks in their pants.

During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”

I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.

You’re a dad band.

20 years ago: “I’m offended.”

I know it’s popular to hate this show, but geeze guys, its a sitcom. I don’t watch Gilmore Girls to get answers to hard hitting questions either.

no, i don’t think women who have fantasies about being raped are likely to become rapists or need help—but those who fantasise about raping others, on the other hand...

Ah, so it’s cool & froody so long as there’s a business case to be made? You mean like for hit men? I hear that’s a good idea, too, selling murder. Or plagiarized essays, or cigarettes to kids, or whatever makes a buck.

No, there’s pretty much something wrong with that. If I were fantasizing about murdering people, though not actually murdering people, that would be a very clear sign that I needed help, and possibly that other people needed protection from me.

er...not wanting to be raped, or not fantasizing about rape, is sex-negative? I don’t think so.

i would be suspicious of any guy that wanted to simulate rape. i make no apologies for that and if it makes me judgmental or a bad feminist or whatever then i can totally live with that.

Nah, some kinks absolutely deserve to be shamed and that ridiculous “sex postive” attitude of all sex is great all the time thing needs to go.

Ah yes. Callisthenics. Nothing says ‘accessible to students with physical disabilities’ like good ‘ol American jumping jacks and push-ups. You sound like a parody. Yoga done with religious/spiritual overtones is generally run by actual religious organisations with educational requirements etc. Other forms of yoga are