
Gosh, I think I just ran into him at io9 this week!

The book is very different. Bianca's friends, for one, are true friends. And her relationship with the dude is very different. I wonder how the author felt about this adaptation.


Ugh. Yeah, yeah, Scandinavia is much more egalitarian than other places in the world. But that doesn't mean sexist attitudes don't still pervade. In Norway, mass murderer Andreas Breivik was just one MRA of many. Swedish author Stieg Larsson wrote a best seller called "Män som hatar kvinnor," or "Men who hate women."

Oh god, yes. LACE ftw!

Yeah, well, if the goddamn GOP would stay out of my crotch with all their damn bills, I'd stop needing them.

Madame A non has it.

This is one of those times when I am so proud to be Swedish. Heja Sverige!

I'm astounded that Mayer gives a rat's ass about hiring decisions for the food site.

Or maybe he was just a bullying little toad. I had a boy tormenting me in middle and high school, and as an adult, I wondered if he secretly liked me. But he was perfectly capable of being nice to girls, and had a lot of friends who were girls, some girlfriends.

Leave her alone. If you should ever run into her in person, do it then.

Bullshit. The Wright brothers didn't come up with their airplane design to get women. Neither married, because the planes were their wives. Same can be said for most of the airport rats I've encountered in my aviation experience. Can't speak for Eiffel, but in general, that argument about men creating stuff for women

I've always loved pygmy marmosets! Skansen aquarium in Stockholm, of all places, had them and was breeding them successfully. Whenever I would visit them, they'd be kind of standoffish, until I pulled out a small mirror. Then there would always be one who would come up and investigate. Then another. Soon, there'd be a

Bless you.

She seems so placid in public, where most cats would freak, so what you're saying about her being ill and out of it makes sense. Poor kitty. Awful owners. Just let her be in a comfy place with sun and food and snuggles, like a regular house cat.

What an utter load of nonsense. Kirk Cameron has no sense of history, or, for that matter, sense at all. The reasons for the December date, the gifts, the trees, etc., are well-documented. Acknowledging them doesn't take away from the message of Christ's birth, it just shows how traditions continue because people

Add sea otters to the rapist list. Their favorite victim other than fellow otters? Baby seals.

If anyone doubted that Channing Tatum is a national treasure, this should put an end to it.

I'm still working on it. Trust.