“Wow, that was a close shave for Tulane, by the way, did they cover the spread ?” Hot Rod Williams (Tulane class of 88)
“Wow, that was a close shave for Tulane, by the way, did they cover the spread ?” Hot Rod Williams (Tulane class of 88)
I will say this for the A’s - they don’t draw as many fans as they should, but the fans who do show up are great. I was at the Coliseum (which is an endearing and kind of homey old concrete shitpile that feels like it just got done hosting a livestock exhibition) last month and the ~20,000 people who were there were…
Wrong story, man, the Jeremy Renner porno one posted earlier.
Do you think you’d notice some sketchy guys in a Crown Vic tailing you all the way home?
You have to take the gags out of their mouths.
Gonna guess you don’t have kids, so let me break it down
1st Gear: another thing not often mentioned is that the current emissions timeline matches up pretty well with that of other nations, so building cars that meets those requirements allows for a larger global audience.
Ya know, after spending way too much time on this,
I said ‘Fuck it-no one will look at it anyway.’
*several molars crack*
Something then provoked him to take a shot at the old man’s head when he wasn’t paying attention.
Honestly the best bar stool sports content I’ve ever seen.
Refusing a free shot of whiskey is the LEAST Irish thing ever.
“no comment, but we don’t deny it.”
To: Canadian Embassy
How the fuck am I not on this list
They’re “clueless about risk assessment” but many are able to purchase an AR-15. That seems strange, doncha think?
1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.
Because he’s so basic.
Good reminder from Newton that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
maybe it’s just a voice inside your head