You’re right. The problems they have are clearcut and the don’t vote for the people who could actually fix them. Somehow liberal women and people of color are supposed to recognize those problems and prioritize them, yet we have the same problems and then some more, and they vote to fuck us. They will ruin their own

And what exactly has the Trumpanzee in Chief for those same people?

Gerrarahere with trying to make it seem like there was noble cause behind their vote.

Most Trump voters are pretty well off. In fact the “poor” are the only income bracket that Clinton won.

Ok, so how many of those 50 million people are MN farmers?

So why did they elect a gassy weirdo billionaire fraud who ran fugazi credit card schemes on his most ardent fans? There is no leap of logic that explains why anyone would willingly choose that flatulent slab of shit other than gullibility and sheer idiocy. Fuck. Them. All. 

Why do disbelieve his wild stereotyping, but choose to believe the wild stereotyping that says Trump voters did so because of jobs?

100% of Trump voters saw his racist message and didn’t consider it to be a deal breaker. That’s damning enough. No wild generalizations. No stereotyping. Just plain fact.

You know how to “fix” their problems?

Wild speculation: a lot of the people you are describing would have voted for Bernie or pretty much any non-establishment candidate. People wanted some sort of change and thought the ‘outsider’ Trump would provide it. Joke’s on them though. Almost* everything that they were afraid Clinton would do or that they accused

Yeah, I am tired of the ‘they are downtrodden’ argument. I am with you.

Single women need not apply.


Truly the United States is the land of opportunity*

There are only 2 things Jeff Sessions definitively knows:

I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.

Another weak attempt to delegitimize the citizenship and presidency of Barack Obama. The state of Hawaii should stop paying any federal taxes until Sessions goes there and publicly apologizes while at a jam band festival.

Even if we assumed racial parity would come to shootings. Cops still shoot quite a lot of people because they think they “may” have a gun.

It’s internally consistent at least, which is nice to see. But it does rather rely on the concept that cops are shooting POC primarily through fear that they don’t know how to use guns etc. rather than that they are just racist Pieces of excrement. I mean, it’s a nice thought but it doesn’t seem entirely realistic.

>We really don’t care about your opinion of our internal laws.