Speaking as a non-gun-nut, yes, we realize how utterly fucking ridiculous we look. This is the image in my mind, anyway:

Do Americans ever realise just how weird their obsession with guns and private gun ownership looks to the rest of the world?

Now playing

This is an interesting video that goes into the history of the NRA’s evolution into the paranoid psychopath organization it is today:

I think that there’s a lot of evidence that you are exactly right.

“The police might not be so quick to gun down black men if the culture of gun ownership was integrated into all areas of the society.”

And hell, places have guns but don’t have American shootings. Australia, Switzerland. Fuck, I hate it when American Exceptionalism is an excuse to hold America back.

We have a lot of guns in Canada, more per capita than the US, if I remember. But our attitude about them is very different. Most guns are long guns, and hunting is a pretty understood pastime here, especially in some northern and remote communities where the cost of meat is prohibitive. I know when I lived up

They’re already using the possibility of a black man being armed as reason to murder 14 year olds.

Nobody’s allowed to have guns in Japan besides the police and the country didn’t descend into a Mad Max wasteland.

And, just like in the UK, all those rules were put in place after mass shootings, and subsequently mass shootings stopped in these places. Weird, innit?

The police might not be so quick to gun down black men if the culture of gun ownership was integrated into all areas of the society.

I generally come down on the less guns and less need for guns dream. I say dream because I know shit’s complicated. People should defend themselves if nobody else can or will.

If anybody did any shouting down, as evidenced in the vids and reports from the scene, its white folks, gay or no. No wonder you’re so quick to jump to their defense.

1) “In a statement to the Phoenix New Times, Justin Owen, executive director of Phoenix Pride, said, “We are aware that there are still many causes that need attention, and we always stand willing to work with members of our community to end oppression and injustice of any kind of and against any individual or group.”

Look nazi, progressivism doesn’t have a cap. Like we don’t say “tons of formerly repressed folks have gotten their rights recognized recently, so I think we’re good. No more adding to the party.” Real progressives welcome full rights and recognition for everybody. If, occasionally, we have to have internal debates to

Way way way to late to the game on this post but I think Alan Wake deserves a reranking as it wasn’t his idea to go there. She dragged him so he could write, he didn’t want to write, just spend time with her, going him a lot more points.

Just like in elementary school: show your work.

Um ... you realize that this article is over 10 years old, correct?

Canada’s in better shape now, but they’re just a year removed from Stephen Harper, muzzling scientists from actually speaking in public about their research without a commissar’s permission - and I’m sorry to see that the US looks to be headed in the same direction.

Long as they don’t study controversial subjects, like guns or pollution or public health or climate change. That’s “playing politics with science”, remember.