Then the answer is “no”, no outrage, since it’s not a double standard, it’s a rebalance of an existing double standard.

For this reason I am hoping many men will strike in solidarity since they may be more able to do so.

A feature no one asked for, and men are already complaining they can’t sexually mutilate women. Way to break the stereotype of the isolated, violently anti-social gamer.

You’ve already created false flag bullshit before the feature even exists. Congratulations, you’re everything wrong with humanity.

Queue GG scum demanding the option to mutilate female players even though no one was really asking for the castration option in the first place. They’ll say SJW’s got their castration option after endless complaining and simultaneously say no SJW’s even play videogames.

I feel like since America has the highest economic disparity of any modernized nation, combined with the fact that 2 out of every 3 minimum wage workers are female, and that in every state the majority of people living in poverty are female, that women are so disenfranchised they literally can’t afford to strike.

So playing this game will now mean interacting largely with teenage boys and Gamergaters who are primarily interested in literally teabagging you and literally cutting off your balls. I’m sure that will make for a wonderful gaming experience.

THis is bullshit. There is not one single god damned Nazi out there who would be swayed by any arguments toward my humanity and right to exist....and I say that as a Jew with broken patrilineal line - so even Israel won’t give me automatic citizenship. I’m Jewish enough to be killed, not Jewish enough for Israeli

We don’t start ideological debates with actual Nazis for the same reason we don’t teach obedience to cats — they’re incapable of grasping the concept. If someone contends that beating your spouse is acceptable, I don’t owe them the courtesy of debate, not all points of view are valid, some of them are inherently

His top adviser is a racist, bigot, xenophobe, and you don’t make someone your top adviser because you think they have a bunch of bad ideas. Also, MUSLIM BAN OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES.

Using speech implies that you can reason with unreasonable people, which you can’t. Not going to discuss the merits of eradicating entire human races, going to punch them square in the dick holster.

Nazis have free speech, yes.

Have you ever had an argument with a nazi that went well?

Because if it’s one group you can totally trust, it’s the Nazis. Trustworthy, upstanding, dependable group they are.

You say that like these people can be reasoned with, or respond to anything resembling logic or facts. Play stupid games, win a punch in the fucking face.

Yes because talking to Nazis in the 20s and 30s really convinced them of the errors or flaws in their argument.

Remember we should respect their beliefs too...

Ignore all kickback. Keep screaming it. Stephen Bannon is a white supremacist who has openly stated his desire to dismantle the country. Stop playing by 2015 rules. You’ll lose every game where your opponent isn’t playing by the agreed upon rules. Republicans obstructed government at every corner, bringing it to a

I’m in total shock that gamers haven’t threatened to rape and kill these women for trying to “destroy” the careers of pro-gamers with their lies.

Should ask him, his advice tends to be pretty sane while most the comments, like all, are just people seeming to urge others to fuck up the way they fucked up in past relationships.