Well if you think science is real and have any human decency, I don’t know how you can be for a deplorable scumbag like drumpf.

Bye-bye Nasa, Trump don’t want you cuz you cost money, bye-bye science cuz you want to be real, bye-bye democracy cuz u are about the demos, BYE-BYE, loved you , gonna miss you.

And in DC on Sunday hundreds of thousands of American citizens enjoyed their constitutional right to free speech except for a few “assholes”.

I think if you compare the ratio of actually civil demonstrators to violent provocateurs in DC to the ratio of Football fans to dangerously drunken fanatics in the parking lot at an NFL game you may find pro sports to be the real menace to civilized society.

I attended the J20 protests in Portland. One window was broken, and it was on the courthouse. Shot out with a rubber bullet.

“we stopped caring about the health and safety and the very existence of our citizens because a couple of them broke a some windows” is not the air-tight moral q.e.d. you seem to think it is.

2-3 million people turned out to protest this weekend.

2. Members of said group start vandalizing the area and get violent with police. Hundreds were arrested in the Trump inauguration protests, correct

This post is a shining example of what happens when we don’t teach people about what happened during the civil rights movement.

Zero arrests at the women’s DC march and 500 arrests at say a 100,000 person march is only 1/2% of those attended. Just sayin’

Mass shooting will continue in America until the tipping point is reached in dead white kids due to gun violence. What that point is I do not know. Always remember every gun owner is a responsible gun owner until they are not. Since 9/11 over 400,000 Americans died due to guns and I guess to most it’s a small price

Peaceful protest can coexist with electing officials who have the public’s best interest at heart. They’re not mutually exclusive. And in the case of incumbent officials, a protest can sometimes sway them to realize their current policies might be unlikely to lead to a reelection.

Which is precisely why law enforcement sometimes (reportedly) infiltrate peaceful protests and start vandalizing things or otherwise causing mayhem in order to undermine the protest and justify mass arrests. Not saying its the case in every instance, but Occupy Oakland is a good example.

That’s all well and good until you find something to protest and you find yourself in a 10'x10' “free speech zone”.

The problem is, we now know that some stupid Americans will never change their mind on gun control, no matter how many innocent people die. ANd these people include the republican senate. However trump is a magnitude of danger 1000 times higher than any lunatic redneck running up into a school and murdering innocent

Yeah. Did you see all the burning buildings from Saturday. Get bent.

instead elect politicians that actually listen and actually address the electorate’s concerns.

Those who make peaceful protest impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

Speaking of 2001, a few years ago I was watching the movie. My son was around 6 at the time, so I knew he was bored and not paying attention (hey, I’m selfish and make my kid watch boring grown up movies). But then the movie gets to the part where Bowman just retrieved Poole’s body and HAL won’t let him back in. And

But arent protest one of the biggest things that get people taking something serious?