Punching for Knowledge is definitely my next band name.

starred, then unstarred so I could star again. fantastic.

But if we punch the Sith aren’t we the actual Sith?

I’m seeing conflicting reports:

“Should be taking meetings with him” I respectfully disagree. The time for begging white people to help us is over. The respected powerful people of the world dont beg. Powerful people do for themselves. that is what the sista should be teaching her constituents.
In regards to other groups disrespected by trump

every single time a person darker than whiteout has shown up at a trump meeting or rally, he’s screamed “get that thug out of here” - even when the man in question was an elderly, grey haired man who Trump personally knew.
OH yeah. He’s gonna be clapping with joy to meet with her!

Well, now there’s no excuse for two bit con men in this country either. Because Trump has just proved that there is no white man so pitiful, so big a loser, that a bunch of idiot white people won’t vote for him.

These other groups that he insulted are taking meetings, and progressing their agendas to support their communities.

What do you think he would do for them? Unless she proposes a plan to erect a giant glass phallic symbol plastered with his name in her community as a “jobs program” why would he consider the plight of the poor black community? Or the poor, generally, really. He’s not a politician, he’s a narcissistic rich blow-hard

Please provide support for your claims. What community activists, legislators, or Congressional members from those racial or ethnic groups are meeting with Dump? 

Opposition to a fascist puppet of foreign oligarchs (who also happens to be a rapist of women and 13 year old girls) isn’t spiteful; it’s a universal moral obligation. Trump has never done one thing in his life for anyone but himself and isn’t worthy of life, let alone respect. People who say “wait and see” would

Or for people like me who enjoy emulation.

Those stats are based on the erroneous assumptions that a) grouping by ‘race’ is more significant than grouping by other metrics, and b) that all members of those ‘races’ came in on an equal footing with each other, and with the other ‘races.’

In short, having listened to your view of the world, I don’t care what you think of me and am not motivated to share any further personal information about myself, since sharing with you offers nothing positive to my life and you will only find a way to twist anything I say into something negative.

I will divulge that I live in a neighborhood of largely subsidized housing and and am basically one step away from homelessness at any given moment. I’m a government employee, don’tcha know! And yes, I am proud of my intelligence, as you obviously are of yours. I work hard for it.

Also, 9 dead police officers and one tortured kid are all tragedies. What makes them even more tragic is that the cause for those deaths (and the birth of BLM, actually) can easily be tied to earlier deaths of marginalized and disabled people at the hands of the police officers....individuals who were supposed to

The way you’ve described the history of ‘a group of people’ is perhaps the most lucid description of postcolonial horror that has ever occurred. Kudos.

Read up more on BLM my russian friend. BLM is not a private organization. You are going to get docked pay for that mistake!

I’m not cherrypicking. One is a hate group that brought attention to itself by conducting violence while hiding their faces. The other is a group that is fed up with that hate, and the violence around BLM events is at least partly instigated by the systemically heightened, militant response to them.

I don’t really need to do that. BLM stages protests, the KKK staged rallies. And lynchings. Neither is likely to have traceable memberships, but for very different reasons. One wants to avoid persecution; the other wants to continue persecution.