They aren’t comparable.

Arrested after a Klan rally IN KLAN ATTIRE. That second part which you so casually left out may not “prove” it, but it raises the confidence level a whole hell of a lot.

Samyube is either a really stupid troll, or a Klansman, or both, because that is some epic “lalalala I can’t hear you!” going on.

Samyube is a troll.

You can judge a man by the company he keeps.

That Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was in the Ku Klux Klan.

Not that it matters, given that Donald Trump’s father was a member of the Klan.

I would love to see the age group of these voters because I would bet many of them weren’t alive when AOE 2 came out!

A game older than god knows how many users most definitely deserves the award. Other games come and go, but it has stood firm and grown over time.

“passed over in favor of Skyrim for games that have stood the “Test of Time.””

AOE and To The Moon were robbed.

I didn’t struggle all that hard, nor am I even super offended. It’s artwork that was drawn before I was born, by people I never knew. Other people seem to agree with me, so I know I’m not crazy.

Some people are so determined to be anti-PC that they won’t identify racist tropes unless the character is wearing a sign that says caricature.

They literally have the Japanese flag on their foreheads...

In their original appearance in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES they were blue and looked a little more like robots (and, despite their name, were essentially friendly), but when they returned they were given a very blatant “yellow peril” vibe. It was not an accident.

I was definitely thinking the same thing. I scrolled down to the comments just to make sure I wasn’t crazy.

Is it just me, or does the artwork make the Dominators look like a bunch of racist caricatures?

London Keyes would be the perfect Mei

Gianna wouldn’t stop at freezing McCree’s dick off, she’d crush it under her heel then slap the shit out of him.

Oh god yes. She’s the freaking best!