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I’ll just leave this here. (perhaps the best Spongebob episode ever)

Israel the nation-state may have a right to exist, but they seem pretty dead set on denying that right to others.

And what about a Palestinian right to exist? And right to water access? And right to remain in the cities and neighborhoods they built and lived in prior to 1948?

I have a problem with that because I’m unaware when the Israeli government became the world representative of the Jewish religion.

I mean, several US territories were founded by Native Americans. Are we supposed to pretend indefinitely that Native Americans aren’t entitled to even half of the cities founded by them that were the centers of their tribes for millenia?

Not only did they live there more recently, their ancestors were living there when the ancestors of modern Jews lived there. Genetic analysis has shown that the Muslim and Christian peoples of the southern Levant predominately arise from the same stock as the Jews do. The Muslim invasion of the seventh century did

Israeli feelings of entitlement are the problem here. When the state of Israel was founded, it was very clear that Jerusalem was to be an international zone. Israel gained control of the city during a very questionable military exercise during a systematic campaign of violence and oppression of the Palestinian people,

The day we as a country start thinking critically about our relationship with Israel will be a difficult one.

Here you go, had a chart handy.

Oculus is currently losing both current and potential business partners because of this; that, if nothing else, creates a direct gaming link.

Beyond that, Luckey’s part of the industry; if it falls beyond the purview of a gaming news outlet to report on news related to the industry, then who should report it?


A couple of important points, and then I’m just going to shush:

1.) For all of the “what does this have to do with gaming” folks--Luckey is the originator of the Oculus Rift; as such, even though he sold his company and product on to Facebook, he occupies a position of importance in the gaming industry, and

“What is Aleppo?”

“I would draw even in the polls if I were allowed to participate in the debates, because people would realize there was a third choice. I could probably stand up there and go ‘aglhblhbglh,’ and still draw even, because people would realize there’s a third choice.”

...and, yeah, that whole climate

Right, it’s because he supported someone other than Hillary, not that he’s supporting an authoritarian fascist blowhard who worships Putin and wants to tear up the Constitution.

John Maynard Keynes said: “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task, if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us, that when the storm is long past, the ocean is flat again.”

Also his argument is that Dems pay people to engage in online forums to promote their candidates, not post a bunch of racist troll garbage.

It is okay, he supports Trump.

Throw a koopa shell at it. 1000 points.

Now playing

Oh my God, I thought you were joking but then I went ahead and googled it. I’m sharing this, it’s magical:

Luckey: “You people don’t understand, I’m not that kind of trash. I’m a completely -different- kind of trash. Get it right.”