Wow, full-on hardcore porn pictures in an article on Kotaku.

This guy is pretty much just responding to everything anyone says to him with, ‘u mad bro?’. People should just stop responding to him, every response makes him think he just pulled off the con of the century and that he’s a frigging genius.

I’m triggered by how cringe-inducing it is. Jesus christ this is embarrassing.

its a less twig more booty and wider type of figure you always see

Stay triggered for any video game article that veers even mildly in a direction that makes you feel insecure about your expensive toys.

Where in the article is there “bitching” about sexualization?

That’s true, but some designers put up a decent college try. This is like melted marshmallows on sticks.

Mad at the super annoying, gross, bigoted vocal minority that makes me embarrassed to say I’m a gamer? Yeah, I guess I am mad about that.

Despite the griping you’re getting in some replies, I totally agree. It’s a puzzle game but the designers chose to make the protagonist an unrealistic walking bosom for a reason, and whatever that reason is I kind of do not want to have anything to do with it.

You sir nailed it.

What’s fucked up is there are people who TRULY believe breasts feel like a bag of sand. And have never touched a woman’s breast before.

The sad thing is that the fan service could be improved if the designer put forth some effort towards understanding what he drew.

This is the funniest thing ive read in a while. If you really cant see the difference in how women are sexually represented in videogames then you need to take a harder look at the games youre playing.

“What are you talking about, breasts are just like bags of sand.

The kind that has never touched a woman and constantly complains about the “friend zone,” all the while never wondering what about him makes women so repulsed. Maybe it’s the fact that he sees women as faceless asses and boobs, but that would require some self-reflection, which these people never seem to have.

Cartoonish tits, ass shoved right in the camera, no face.

What are you talking about, breasts are just like bags of sand.

Those proportions look like all these shitty exaggerated body types I’d see pop up on Nexus daily for Skyrim that somehow continued making the front page. You’d think one would be enough but no.

It looks like someone stuffed some boccie balls into a pillowcase. They’re so rigid.