The great irony is that people who decry social justice and pc culture want nothing more than a safe space for themselves, a place where they don’t have to deal with criticism or responses they don’t like.

There isn’t an “SJW movement.” There are people who actually try to improve the lots of minorities, women, and others. The term SJW, much like almost any mention of “PC” is invariably a way to discredit someone without actually engaging their argument. It’s a stupid term for stupid people.

Reagan and Nixon are “pinko commie super libtards” to the alt-right.

I’m relieved he expressed his opinion. Now I know he’s an idiot.

I’m what these alt-righters call “a pinko commie super libtard” and even I think that “unchecked immigration” for ANY type of population is a bad idea.

Wow. The last few days on Kinja has really brought the brownshirts out of the grays.

It’s so much easier to defeat and mock the liberals who are made of straw.

Yeah, the world is full of gullible morons who will fall in light behind a delusional, narcissistic bigot. Ce la vie.

But enough about trump. :D

Sure, as long as he respects my first amendment right to call him out for being an asshole with repugnant political beliefs.

“Lots” of people, but not enough people to win a general election.


Not yet, unfortunately.

Human Being Has Opinion, Decides To Use Wealth To Spread Crude, Hateful, Divisive And Untrue Memes To Promote That Opinion.

Totally. Is there any indication no one will respect his First Amendment rights?

*Ahem* Human asshole has asshole opinion. Fixed it for you

honestly after learning he spends money to promote “memes” and “the power of shitposting” the fact that he is a brony and dates a gamergater is a humongous “sure whatever.” there is basically no stereotypical MRA/GG thing you could say about this dude that iwouldn’t believe

All venture capitalists, titans of industry, CEOs, basically anybody totally embroiled in the propagation of capital, and thus the status quo, are guilty of most likely being totally selfish, ignorant jerks, until proven otherwise.

Make America Great… Again?

Nikki Moxxi is the Phyllis Schlafly of gamers.