Don’t feed this troll, man. This was what I was worrying.

Would that I had more stars to give.

If there is a forum, and I don’t just mean online, where a group of semi-adults of both sexes gather, then currently in society it is the right venue to remind people not to be rapey assholes.

This is why, time and time again, we see women being sexually assaulted by men who, after the fact, seem to be completely baffled by the idea that they did anything wrong.

Stopped reading after someone [on Reddit, of course] called the advice “don’t sexually assault people” “toxic ideology.” What even the fuck.

but it is an “everyman (as in every human not just men)“ crime. Plenty of people rape without knowing theyre doing something wrong. Plenty of people full of compassion have done it/will do it. And the issue is consent. Its not fully understood so education lets people know that “hey you might not understand consent

That’s the unfortunate thing. There’s a lot of unanalyzed hypocrisy in the way conservatives treat women, and it tends to be thrown into even higher relief when trans folks enter the picture.

I agree with wanting to have a space where we can go and play games together and leave all the politics aside; hell, games are probably the only way I’ve been able to tolerate some of the more insufferable libertarian friends I have had over the years.

The very fact there was a backlash underlines the need for the discussion. The people complaining about it are sabotaging their own arguments. But what do you expect from jerks on the internet that can’t control themselves. The way to make the conversation go away is not to prove that the situation is in fact worse

What the fuck is wrong with people? If you show anything other than empathy toward an appeal to curb sexual assault in any community, you are a monster. Period.

Obviously she should have been aware that in our overly PC culture, you can’t discuss issues rationally with these easily TRIGGERED super sensitive men.

On Twitter, a critic said, “Eh, sexual assault is wrong, but let’s keep toxic ideology out of my competitive fighting game, yeah?”

But don’t you see? It’s the ess-jay-dubya feminazis coming to take away gamers’ free speech to sexually assault women!

“Correct me if I’m wrong here, and I mean that, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a case where someone perpetrated an act of assault because they didn’t understand the idea of consent.”

Jesus, It’s like teaching toddlers what “No” means all over again. Except now they scream and throw tantrums on Reddit instead of the kitchen floor.

What do all the people who tell her it’s not relevant expect her to do exactly? Sexual assult is happening at these events, but it can’t be solved because it’s off topic?

Well, because, society needs to be protected from the scourge of women’s nipples, but they need to be REAL women’s nipples, not like those fake paste-on nipples that trans women think they’re fooling the world with. They’re probably trying to fake real nipples so they can get into bathrooms and harass women, and

Yeah. I have several friends who are deeply worried how this will impact them (the women, including me, on reproductive rights as related to the Supreme Court and Pence, the military folks on ‘oh god Trump as our boss we’re fucked’, Muslims facing discrimination, and so on). There are SO MANY ISSUES Trump is bad on

Haters gonna hate. I ♥️No Mans Sky!