Needs a Krillin Owned counter.

No one has suddenly forgotten any of the decisions Mr. Iwata has made but you’re missing a serious point that happens to be the most important right now. You may not be broken up about what’s just happened but that doesn’t give you or anyone the right to attack those that happen to be. Its akin to why people dislike

It’s adorable that you keep missing the point this hard, but hey, I’m the one taking the bait, so there’s that, I suppose.

Double whammy. First saddened by Iwata’s passing then further kicked in the gut being reminded that pieces of shit like you walk the earth. What a day.

So, no tact/class then? Right on. Have a nice evening.

Now is the time for you to go hide under that carpet right there and stay there forever.

Please don’t tell others how to feel. It’s something only assholes do. Thanks ;)

Well arent you just a piece of shit.

I disagreed with a lot of his decisions but man, even I’m upset by this. He definitely made an effort to connect with players and was a lot more visible than any of his competitors. He might not have been always right but he cared about what he was doing (even cutting his pay by half after the Wii U). I’d like to see just don’t think of these people as being able to die, they become more than human beings, they become this figure that represents what you love about gaming and then you read this and reality rears its ugly head.

You know what else exists? Tact. Class. Decorum. Courtesy. Those who take the internet as a license to be an ass are those who do not deserve the internet.

Really? It kinda makes me want to game in his honor.

Attention unlikable manchild: A human being has died.

Why does there have to be an edge lord like you in every thread to do with death. No shit everybody dies, but I’m still going to be upset about it. Seriously fuck off.

Game on! He helped make games for people to enjoy and have something to pick themselves up if they were having a hard time. I’m sure he’d want you to play and be as happy as you could be. ^-^

Not really, [Satoru Iwata will NOT be missed becuase he made a] lot of bad decisions int he latest decade. Too stiff, shy to change too.

My body isn’t ready for this news.

My friend he may be gone, but his legacy will live on in all the games that he has created. Play games and remember that Iwata made games to bring people closer together and to bring joy into everyones life.

You are the type of person that gives gamers a bad name.

Your username is perhaps the most unfortunate ironic thing to ever grace your response.