Final boss!

Need the winner’s hat to be removed, revealing Alex Kidd beneath.

To this day I can’t play RPS without hearing the Alex Kidd jan-ken-bo song in my head.

I’d love to see Alex Kidd show up as a bonus character. He’s been playing Janken since these cowboys were in diapers.

It's beyond messed up that after vaccines all but eliminated the threat of major communicable diseases in the US we have a growing percentage of morons hell bent on reversing it.

Dear American Friends,

Most people can't parallel park their car without bumping the other two, so I am not gonna huck rocks at anyone for bouncing a landing on a comet millions of mile away.

I still consider Philae a success. And even if it is not a success, Rosetta certainly is as evidenced from these beautiful images in the article.

As someone in the entertainment industry that statement is the deficit reason why crap and bland products are put out time and time again.

Notch is one of the rare people who can be successful. There is no guarantee of success. Notch's story, like Bill Gates', Mark Zuckerburg's, and Justin Bieber's, is practically a FAIRY TALE that one can only hope for, not a guarantee that one should expect from life.

QUOTE | "I certainly wouldn't characterize the community of fans I know and had the pleasure to engage with as toxic or misogynistic." - Michael Condrey, director of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, talking about his experience with offensiveness and abuse in the game community.

Job creator giving money to make jobs. HAHAHAHA! Look at Kentucky who dropped taxes for job creators. Where did the money go? Into their pockets and it's leaving the state in poor condition. Making money is necessary and being uberliberal is bad but the opposite side of the coin is just as bad.

Oh sure, there's nothing wrong with making money. But the biggest "job makers", a.k.a. "businessmen" have become very good at keeping as many of those dollars for themselves as possible, while paying out the barest minimum in order to keep the short-term profits rolling in. Frankly, some people at the top earn

Unless its Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, aka the best kart racer ever. Only time I've REALLY disagreed with a review. Thats the reason I love the system though, because the box never tells the whole story so I have to read the whole thing to get why they felt the way they did.

Not exactly what you asked for but this comic strip by Argentinian comic strip artist Quino will do for a while.

"She insisted I give it a chance, ignoring my insistence that I don't usually read fiction."

While the Gawker writers often exhibit the entitlement that is so common in our generation, I just don't see it here. It's saying "Uh guys, did you forget that LEGO has always allowed you to build whatever you want? Why is this billed as a new feature?" Where's the entitlement in that?

You never seem pleased. Many of your comments have a sour note of entitlement. Not every post is for you, VGIRoller.

This Minecraft set is advertised as "Now you can build whatever you want, just like Minecraft!" Luke's whole point is exactly what you're saying. You could do that all a long! Why is it being advertised as though it's a new development, or a Minecraft specific feature?

I thought we agreed the worst thing feminists ever did was allow Christmas advertising to start in August? Remember the Eggnog Massacre of '06? My god, the carnage.