To all of those saying that death threats in the internet should just be ignored: They can be ignored but it's very hard to do so. Because they know that even though it's mostly hot air and posturing, it only takes 1 person, 1 nut that doesn't realize that the bluster isn't real to follow through with it. It may be 1

In the last week I've written at length on this. It's an extremely pervasive issue and not one I think we can EVER really "fix" but we CAN educate people and stop a lot of them from participating in this 'be the biggest piece of shit possible because you're a petty, vindictive asshole' contest.

You have just commented under an article specifically about a call for an end to hateful speech using almost nothing but hateful speech. Words escape me.

I don't know who started this whole "GamerGate" thing, but whatever it's become now is equivalent to "NotAllMen" in what it's doing for the image of gamers.

LOL. Are you really this obtuse?

"This all ties into the lack of credibility of Kotaku itself and the Quinnspiracy"

I would be lying if once upon a time (teenage years) I was the exact asshole discussed here. It was a slightly different time, the internet and online gaming were just going into the mainstream culture.

My first reaction was that this would go nowhere... then I actually read their brief letter and found that it doesn't say anything that the title implies. Rather than addressing gamers as a community of douchebags (a la the way everyone does it), this letter simply asks that normal people report said douchebags...

What's especially interesting is that many of these developers are people who worked on games that a certain prominent youtube critic has called out for sexism. And to those developers, huge props are in order.

Having concerns about the ethics of a writer is a valid position.

if you can't do it on your own, if you can't figure out who to trust and who not, on a hobby where you're either paying a little or a little more than a little for the product, that you experience and interact with and come to your own conclusions about it then you're the problem you're doing it wrong. This isn't

I agree with everything in that statement. It's not mean and it's directed only at the people who are a problem.

I think (I hope) you'll agree that trash talk is not the same as threatening to kill someone's family?

Trash talk is one thing. Hate speech and threats are another thing entirely.

You're not helping.

Terrible things are being said outside of competition. This isn't even about online gaming right now. It's about legit harassment on social media sites.

There's a big difference between trash talk and threatening to come over to someone's house to rape and murder them IMO

Pretty sure you can do both?

I wish a letter was enough to stop it. But it's probably too late for our generation. Maybe if empathy training became a requirement in schools starting in kindergarten and going all the way through high school we might see an end to bullies. But that's just one aspect. We also have fanboys who think that because they

Just the fact that this thing had to exist. Millennials and they're anonymity... Everyone has a right to an opinion, but some opinions don't deserve to be heard.