>>>>"This is pretty much a commonly accepted fact."

unlike the movies gunn references, there was never a moment where i laughed out loud.

Three things.

Much of what the Egyptians did and how they did it is documented in the many paintings left behind. It wasn't understood until recently what was being depicted in the murals showing water water being poured ahead of large objects. It's likely that many many other techniques are also documented but like the water

There's actually good evidence that the pyramids were built by well-respected paid laborers, not slaves.

You're not a troll, you simply don't understand the point of it. Which is fair enough. I hope my view of it helps ^^;

The USD isn't incredibly unstable though, if China decided to sell all it's US dollar holdings, they would fuck themselves by making the reminbi sky rocket and hurting their main econonic engine, exports while the US would stand to gain alot because our exports would be incredibly competetive on top of that it would

Yeah cause Ripley couldn't have whooped your ass at the end of alien in her paintes. Women can't be sexy and powerful at the same time to you people. Powerful and strong means dressing modestly. Got it.

You're wrong. Every medium treats people inside and out of it like complete trash. Everyone here has experience with people in the gaming circle which is why you bring it up but go read sports blogs. Those people will rage and threaten you over any and everything, just like gamers. There's no respect to be earned from

Personally, being that I work in IT there are assholes in every walk of life; salesmen, marketing, finance, engineering, just about every walk of life. The issue isn't that there are assholes, but that we let those assholes color our perceptions of the group; for every guy or gal that is a jackass on forums, emails

Oh man, I just LOVE Bastion. I'm irrationally holding out hope of a packaged copy of that & Transistor for the Wii U.

I think the thing these guys miss is that while individuals may be ants, there also happens to be more than just one of them. Sales figures don't necessarily mean much of anything at all about whether or not the majority of your customers are, in fact, happy, either; defeating the statistical motivation for neglecting

This is the first time I've ever heard of Puppy Games, and now I will forever associate their name with hating all their customers for the actions of a few loudmouths.

For being a group of mostly outcasts with almost zero social skills, you would think that collectively we would be nicer people.

I don't really trust his perspective. In the RPS comment section recently, regarding their rather neat-looking upcoming game, people were making some remarks about some mistakes Puppygames had made—and the remarks themselves were largely innocent, but, insofar as I could tell, true.

Entitlement is a word people throw around a lot and I'm not sure they know what it means. Or maybe all the things I mentioned never happen at all and I just took the wrong pills again.

Valid points for the most part, still reads like an impudent child spewing sour grapes however.

All of the smiles on the Libertarian pin-up girls say "Help, I've been kidnapped and I can't escape!"

It's a fake currency backed by literally nothing, used primarily to buy drugs on the Silk Road, when it existed, and launder money. It is also known for causing people with malfunctioning reasoning skills to spend thousands on mining rigs, and being unable to figure out that they will never, ever, recoup their