
they look like they were photographed by Terry Richardson.

oh my god i love you. i was just talking about this movie the other day and could not remember the name of it. my mom took us to see it when i was like 10 and i remember loving it. i've been wanting adult-me to watch it to see if i still love it.

Because generalizing everyone in the south is so compassionate, broadminded, creative, eclectic, tolerant, and generous. I'll be sure to inform everyone in my blue county in AL that we're all close minded fools.

holy shit.

Hes from a town 5 minutes away from me and ive heard some things about him in high school. But like most star athletes, he was able to get away with some things

You know absolutely nothing about Birmingham (an area of a million people) if you honestly think it's backwater. But I'll let you keep assuming you know shit about shit. I have actually been out of my zip code a lot. Keep on being a condescending, judgemental bitch, it makes you seem so peachy! I'm done replying here.

Assuming gets you nowhere, idiot. I'm a woman and Birmingham is hardly "backwater". I never said that women weren't football fans. I said that I could understand his opinion because of how the girls I know act when its football or basketball season. You're angry at me for my opinion, yet you have no problem seeing

I don't get what's so funny. I swear anytime Goes against the mass opinion on Jezebel you people resort to trivial, condescending comments.

I never said I was speaking of anywhere else, did I? I was just giving my opinion about football in Alabama, which is what I figured he was getting his opinion from. Also, why wouldn't it be true? I've been here for all 22 years of my life. I have no reason to lie.

As someone living in Birmingham, and knows lots of people that go/have gone to UA, this is somewhat true. Almost every single girl I know are huge basketball fans, yet they don't like football. I'm not saying its because they find it difficult, but I've just notified most girls are interested in the NBA. I think

Why is Lena Dunham looking for reasonably priced furniture on Resel— I mean Etsy?

My dad and wife #3 actually buy my little sister the same things almost every year. She has two DSs, two Wii's, they don't even try to top each other, just match the other's present. It's hilarious.

I am fairly late to this discussion, and I'm sure no one will read this, but I feel the need to defend people that takes pictures of their stillborn babies. My mom's first was a full-term stillborn baby named Alexander (this was in 1987). I asked her before why they took pictures of him. She told me that after they

They've been together since high school. I think it's safe to say she's a good support system.

The Boulder would like a word.

He's literally the ONLY reason I watched Death at a Funeral.

I'm going to be a bitch and just say: I don't think sandy was nearly as bad as New Yorkers/New Englanders believe it was. I've seen the damage that hurricanes and tornadoes can do, and the damage from Sandy seems to be overblown. I may be wrong, so I'm open to someone handing my ass to me.

I never get emotional about things like this, but I did shed a few tears while watching this. I feel so badly for Lea. She is a really strong woman to come out just a few weeks after her fiancé's death.

You're putting way too much thought into the comic book heroes. As to the SWAT team and military thing, how many SWAT members and soldiers actually get in hand-to-hand combat? I willing to bet next to none.

This the best thing EVER.