
Benedict Cumberbatch begs to differ.

LOL, I'm sure most that visit this site are hipsters.

I'd say it is hard to pronounce, but not hard once someone tells you how to pronounce it. I for one still haven't perfected Chiwetel Ejiofor. Also, how hard is it to say Angelina Jolie? It's spelled phonetically.

I love Dita Von Tesse & Fan BingBing. Those two + HBC make red carpets so much more fun.

From a British show called Misfits!

My feelings are hurt so badly. Brb, gonna go play in traffic.

This fantastic British show called "Misfits".

LOL. She's nine.

I just don't get a rom-com winning any kind of award.

To me it seemed like the Onion was tweeting from the perspective of one those the actresses nominated with her. Calling her a cunt because of the attention she's been getting, and how cutesy she was. That's the way I saw it.

These days, you have to take things down regardless if you are wrong or not.

Funny, because I don't remember saying anything besides, "It's a joke.". Way to put words in my mouth.

Please tell me that this win for Anne Hathaway mean she will fade away for a few months, because I am sick of seeing her smug, "golly gee they like me!" face.

I was being sarcastic, sorry.

It's a joke...

I wonder if this will post now...

I thought they were given out for the actor's current movie, not any past roles?


Academy Award winning actress Jennifer Lawrence. Ugh.

Jennifer Lawrence is a mediocre actress. I cannot believe she won an Oscar.