
It is as if in 2016 people finally discovered the effects of Confirmation Bias.
Your cognitive dissonance is not facebook’s fault, if you only read media that confirm your own vision of the world you start living in a cozy bubble.

Not only a sax player, also a great composer. He composed “Take 5", the most famous Dave Brubeck Quartet song (and one of the most recognizable jazz songs of all time)

He is an italian dude, shouting “vai, vai, forza Italia”

He is shouting “vai, vai, forza Italia”

That sounds metal as fuck

Not yet not be determined, it has been clear for years that this movie is set in WWI. Also, it would be clear to you if you paid attention to the uniforms, weapons and human technology shown in the trailer.

This movie is not set in WWII

Yeah, but this is WWI, 25 years earlier than WWII

Do you even know what a gyroscope is? and what it should do in order to be called gyroscope????
I think you are looking for “armillary sphere”.

Why is this bullshit on io9?

ohhh thanks, i didnt know they were supposed to be a fictional species. Cheers

The CGI looks terribly cartoony and the gorilla’s anatomy somehow is off. Why?

But no one is actually implying that. Your three options are fallacies from a mathematical point of view because they don’t exhaust the elements of your hypothetical set. You seem to be reaching point 3 as a conclusion due to your first two faulty premises.

I’m playing Chapter 11. Wonderful game, full of twists.......

That last part would be perfect, io9 has gone down since it became a branch of gizmodo.

Everything is possible with the power of a shitty photoshop job.

I found it amazing. Remember the feeling you had the very first time you saw The Shining? For me it was that kind of energetic psychotic crescendo.

The only teen in the movie is Peter Parker. Wanda is way over 20.

There is a relatively good torrent running free, like a cheerful gazelle.

Guillermo del Toro is mexican, from Guadalajara.