
The file size would be the same as any other nikon 14mp (considering RAW [NEF] with the same bits per pixel, typically 12 or 14)

Exactly, it will be sorted out more efficiently by machines than by stressed humans.

Go to the original, it is a 4096x4096 image. (4096^2=~16x10^6)

And since it cannot be compressed the file is HUGE (~45mb)

You don't need the whole spectrum but you certainly need a wide spectrum (gamut). That award winning photo of your garden roses in 4 tones of red just won't cut it.

As a researcher, I would really love to be a reviewer of his paper. I'm sure you could find such amazing pearls of pseudoscience that would trascend the boundary of cheap philosophy and the metaphysical reason of leprechaun rainbows. I would frame the paper it and put in in my lab to lighten the gloomy days.... and

One sincere question, are logarithmic scales alien to the general public? I mean, do you think an average joe know them and/or understand them looking at the axis?
I ask because I work in science and never ocurred to me that I might be too spoiled in this regard.

heeeelllll no, please no more prequels. But on the other hand, more skywalkers and solos? is that universe their personal claustrophobic simulation?

Dude, have you been in real Mexico? not in the cartoon which is fed to you by TV or years of racial stereotypes? And by real I don't mean the surreal border cities. My anecdotal evidence is as follows: I have lived in the US, Mexico and three European Countries and I would definitely choose to live in Mexico over

It is not really poorly made, it is done that way to show the sum of all consoles. In the original article you can see them separated.

The Everest of consoles! (now long lost in the horizon)


Good old mexican wrestling, the stuff dreams are made of

But buying film for the SX70 is like buying jewelry (maybe can be classified as chemical jewelry?).

Can you still get 126? I thought it was discontinued years ago.
Yes, I agree that polaroid costs a lot to the interested people. In my case I'm happy with my Mamiya and 120 film, developing at home makes it quite cheapo.

oh really? and which kind of available film will you use with your 3$ kodak instamatic?.... yeah.

Nope, great-grandmother at 51. The grandma has 34.

My father actually is, sometimes we share a joint (and he has reasons to, I just got my PhD).

Really? do you ever think what you write?

It is not absurd. I grew up in a house with locks and I used to use them to deter the ballistic attempts of my siblings. However, the locks are generally easy to bypass (as you have seen in the video), even for kids.

You need to be sure your scanner is good for translucent media (film), which is iluminated from the back. In contrast, reflective media (printed stuff) is iluminated directly and the scanner sensor registers the reflected light.