I still want to restart 30 hours in. I normally am a female in mass effect games and male in dragon age but this time i really feel i shoulda been a female.

What the fuck? Its all ps3 and newer controllers? What games were THIS hard?
I wish this was all Polaroid snaps of nes controllers gouging walls (Mind you, they didnt seem to want to break....)

Some actually said to me "Oh i forgot you could be male in that game"

Mind you i DID play as a femshep and that still made me blink at them as loud as i could. Its on the friggin cover.

I mean we could grab our pitchforks but this is no different from all the terminator and aliens toys back in the late 80's early nineties. Anyone remember the starship troopers toys?

You can change the look of your character after you make it? Or did you just remake?

For our Wii U consumers we are offering the ability to buy games at regular price. Exciting.

I got 93% or so in about 30 hours. I just ran out and collected everything methodically before completing all the white challenges.

Didnt finish the hunting or gathering bonus quests because i already unlocked everything, im colorblind, and they feel really boring.

Just do all of the skill quests (If they are rough, come back later when you have more skills, some of them are really easy to start out with though) and upgrade your health\arrows. Go on killing sprees and do as many missions as you can as as you get your upgrades the game basically starts becoming the force

Bayonetta 2 hardly screws up, it may still live in the shadow of its prequel but it is a FANTASTIC game.

That was the best, not just cause of the farming but man i used to have a blast trying to beat my score\time over and over again while farming. What a cool fucking boss.

This is not cool, the xbox versions should be priced appropriately cheaper for the missing content. We are already being nickle and dimed here, is this expansion really worth 1/3rd of the game cost?

I would totally go bayo 2 over Hyrule warriors. It comes with 2 games if you didnt beat the first one and it is just fantastic. Hyrule warriors is fun though.

Haha you are right, there ARE bewitchments though and they seem to be the replacement for achievements and only matter in game. Apparently they equate to umbrean tears of blood.

Just saw this, did you check out the alternative button configurations? Dont know if that fixes anything but i can say hitting any kind of shoulder button is a pain when using the stylus

I would not worry about that, its nintendo, you could make car tires out of that screen. (not really but you know what i mean)

I concur! Just got done shadow of mordor and this is like a fucking vacation from that game. Mordor is so monotonous, i dont care how cool the nemesis system was, most of the game focuses on doing the same types of missions over and over again.

Just put the game on easy mode and dont feel bad about it.

You can beat the game on easy mode to get some gold and stuff and then do what Setzer777 says. There is also an item in bayonetta 1 that makes you do auto combos and auto dodge, i think it may turn off some achievements though. Still can be used for halo

Actually playing with the game pad feels pretty good, it actually makes the game pretty easy as bayo just auto combos to hell, doing a dodge is just a long swipe on the pad. It is different but it does not feel like an after thought. Still like using the controller, you have much more control over the combos

I never used lock on once, i beat the first one on xbox to smitherenes getting all 1000 points and all pure platinums on normal mode (just happy to get through the game on the higher difficulties) Is the lock on really needed?