yeah but for 15 bucks they coulda threw a few full almost 30 year old games in there.
yeah but for 15 bucks they coulda threw a few full almost 30 year old games in there.
so 15 bucks and not one full classic game? Really? It even pushes you over to the eshop for that disgusting 5.99 price for a digital version of the games I payed 2 for 5 at a flea market in 1993.
After super mario 3d world there is no way i can say this looks anything but underwhelming. I wish it were a true 3d adventure game like DK64, another mishmash of 2d platformer levels no matter how well designed or how pretty just doesn't seem needed for the console after the 3d platforming smorgasbord that was 3d…
I will just have to wait till i see it. Still wish my ps2 was not broken and new ones were not unreasonably pricey.
Damn got it like new off for 25 bucks after shipping. Cant complain.
The Resolution on a 3ds is effectively 400 horizontal pixels. If you are going to say there are 800 understand that when not in 3d mode they are double sets of subpixels side by side adding no visual information. A far cry from 640 even for 4:3 ratio. Not to mention the 480 vs 200 vertical pixels. When in 3d mode,…
how do you mean sharper? The 3ds has a resolution of 400×240 vs the ps2's 640X480, even with widescreen accounted for there is simply more visual information on screen coming from the ps2. If you were to blow the 3ds image up to something tv sized it would look (Resolution wise not anything else considered) on par…
I normally just tip 2 dollars a drink. Normally when i tip a lot the bars are still so crowded special treatment is basically impossible. If i am friends with the bartender i pay nothing on the drink and give them the drink costs at the end of the night on my tab as a tip.
This is all i got, it does not even have enough detail to really show a fidelity difference, but dat load time.
how is Tales of the Abyss on 3ds? My ps2 is kinda broken and the cost of a replacement is still not to my liking.
haha i am barely a tales player, i have only beaten symphonia and it took me 2 attempts due to just dropping it once. For some reason i got Xillia on a whim when it came out and beat the game after a few weeks. I couldnt put it down. The story was totally cliche but for whatever reason i enjoyed it.
I hope its…
Wow you are right, damn. For 350 that motherfucker SHOULD be sterling sliver.
Why undertow? Would seriously consider if it were CHARM.
Just going to jump in and say, Motherfucker totally types IDDQD before he starts his rampage. Just saying.
Also how well would nukes work on a monster who breathes "Atomic" breath.
Honestly i was expecting this. The only thing i can say is if you had both a ps3 and a 360, (and no pc) good chance the better running version is on 360.
Mass effect on PC is a totally different game than its console counterparts. With the ability to quickbar 8 abilities (only in ME 3 did your shepard get enough abilities that he\she totally filled up the bar) you had access to most of your teammate abilities as if they were your own (Or in 3 actual on the fly access…
That gif is perfect
It was a joke, chill bro. Google translate is great when you want contextually oblivious, grammatically butchered translations.
Well the games on a whole are bittersweet. Witcher (1) was HUGE. Towns were huge, so many people but the interface was really rough and the combat was a pain. In Witcher 2 they fixed a lot of those issues but at the cost of a game that was literally 1/5th the scope of the original (With the combat pre uberpatching…
Man... I don't know what the FUCK you just said, Little Kid, but you're special man, you reached out, and you touch a brother's heart.