A tortoise named Hubert

light skinned hispanic ‘pass’ (are treated) as white in the USA, unless they have an accent or some other attribute to flag their cultural heritage.

why haven’t you reported him to the police?

yup, the person chose to accelerate AFTER autopilot disengaged 

you have to floor it to get up to 100+ mph speeds

that would be an instance of human error. the driver set the cruise control (auto pilot) way higher than the speed limit to begin with. 

up until recently autopilot was just cruise control on steroids. you can set cruise control to 100 MPH in any car. this isn’t a Tesla problem.

40 seconds, thats about a full mile at the speed this guy was going. the driver also engaged the gas pedal which means they were aware that auto pilot was off. so....

there are no systems on the road (yet) that apply auto breaking at highway speed. BMW, Volvo etc. their systems will manage distance between you and the car in front of you but they won’t slam the breaks for a completely stationary object

there are no systems on the road (yet) that apply auto breaking at highway speed. BMW, Volvo etc. their systems will manage distance between you and the car in front of you but they won’t slam the breaks for a completely stationary object

i’m a white person. this was racist

that is nothing new. Ever since the advent of nuclear weapons that has been our position. 

not exactly likely. First off we had the Japanese Internment camps where all kinds of questionable stuff happened. We also had forced sterilization of people in psych hospitals and poor black women for decades in the early to mid 20th century.

the issue is probably the age / size of these networks. built at different times over hundreds of years. Standardizing is a mammoth task that is insanely expensive (lifting over passes, widening tunnels, etc.) 

this was known pretty much at the time. the issue wasn’t a shortage of product it was a shortage of product packaged to be sold to consumers (small amounts per package compared to what goes to a restaurant or a cafeteria and with appropriate legally required labeling)

I can’t understand why but i it looks like the game is meant to be played pretty zoomed out. based on some game play i just watched on youtube, actually looks better in play then the trailer which is ridicilous. no clue why this trailer is so zoomed in.

gonna point this out, not sure if it is germane. Tesla wheels (on the model S and X, not sure about the 3 and Y) are designed to break off and away from the car in the event of an accident. So maybe the component that makes that possible (a break away joint or something) failed.

the GOP is the only group tolerating it. as soon as they see the blacks with guns they will have a change of heart and do what Reagan did as a GOP governor in the 80's. Ban open carry.

those don’t sound like people who are doing something for a living (engineers). sounds like account manager, people meant to sell products as many units to their accounts (customers) as possible. which means it is in their interest if the full package is cheaper. they can’t reduce the manufacturing costs so they try

all kidding aside they recently filed for permission to construct a new production line at GF1, presumably to bring the tent line in doors. Other then that, based on what they have done in China it appears that they have worked out the kings of setting up new production lines for the entry level model 3

lol, i mean if the gov doesn’t get their revenue somehow then roads don’t get paved