A tortoise named Hubert

it is an open question as to who exactly will pay for the insurance (manufacturer, operator, etc.) but the fact is as more vehicles become autonomous the total number of accidents and injuries will come down (as driving is currently incredibly unsafe with 30,000 + deaths a year on the roads). So the cost itself will

railways don’t go directly to the loading bay of most businesses. Many goods in America are shipped on rail at some point in the delivery cycle, but need to go on trucks for portions, including the final delivery

outside of really big engines most road noise comes from the tires

they make me happy. at the end of the day i would give up driving if it eventually meant:

so you pretty much just paste the whole article in your comment. what was his answer?

All the way out East on Long Island, NY I've seen unattended fresh corn stalls in the fall. Works on the honor system. I'm sure in plenty of rural American towns in farm country the same could be said.

here is a good one that happened to me. Sitting in a line of cars in diner parking lot, waiting for people to back out so other people can park. Old couple leaves the diner (while I am stopped behind their car in the aisle) gets into their car (while I am stopped behind their car in the aisle) and proceeds to back

my question was what if you are the passenger in a car and the driver has a major heart attack. Its no different then being in an autonomous car that has an issue. The truth is, if everyone used auto cars and one auto car went crazy once a day killing its occupant, that would still be way safer then the alternative

i think you would be surprised how hard it would be to regain control of a car with a thrashing adult behind the wheel potentially stomping the gas / break / both

how do you save yourself when going 55 and the driver has a severe heart attack?

i could swear that the H in H2O is for Hydrogen lol

Impeachment. Problem is there is no congress seated in Egypt right now.

i'm pretty sure, per the recent history, the people down there love the military and this was more of a celebration (think fire works) then an attack. Hopefully the pilot wasn't blinded but they do get US funding / training / equipment so they probably were fine.

I would like to see this use infrared lines, then have an infrared camera view and analyze the lines, if any of them are deformed then they are replaced with lines in the visible spectrum. In this way you could illuminate obstacles, drawing your attention without distracting you when nothing is there.

Considering they aren't only targeting this to gamers you need to keep that in mind with their survey methodology.

i had the idea for the US, but then the law got put on hold

Actually it would be like saying I have to pay a tax to buy a car (sales tax) and then pay a tax to use it (gas tax)

2 things:

as a computer scientist you are looking at this from the wrong perspective. There are some circumstances in which a single event can be so catastrophic that it is unacceptable. If the mentality that the market will self correct was sufficient to ensure long term economic viability of our system then we wouldn't need