A tortoise named Hubert

Instead? you still drop the bomb. I was just saying that civilians would get killed if we did, which is just a fact of life. Then you asked me what civilians would be doing there in the first place and I told you, doesn't change the fact that they will be killed while we are doing what we have to. Completely cynical

oh, well, i mean thats just silly. you get my point. Personally I like being the 800 pound gorilla in the room, its better then the alternative.

We showed in WWII that tactic only works to a limited degree, that is until we get angry.

I completely agree that Iraq was a waste, 100%. And that was a TON of money. I agree that Afghanistan was done wrong and we spent WAY more then we had to in ensuring that non state actors cannot use it as a base.

I never said we don't make mistakes and aren't imperialistic (I just said that we put down an Independence movement in the Philippines, one of our colonies at the times). I'm just saying that viewing many of the other world powers for what they are (aggressive regimes who would attack us or our allies if they didn't

First of all, an attack on our allies is an attack on us, that is the NATO doctrine and one that we must live by even with non NATO members if we want to live for long. The whole thing about

Just so we're clear her, you do understand that when you say that the UN fought in Korea and Desert Storm (FYI 2 's' in the word is for ice cream, not sand) what you are saying is that America and some if its allies (using mostly American equipment) fought in the war under a UN mandate. The UN doesn't have a military

just out of curiosity from looking at your name, if we were attacked and there was a draft would you serve?

My list, even with your additions, isn't near inclusive, we left off a ton: Rome, Persia, the Ottoman Empire, the Sejeluk Empire, The Mamaluk empire, Spain in the 1500's, Portugal in the mid 1400's, etc. etc.

Also, I don't really think your point is fair, because you talk about "countries that have attacked America". Well how about countries that have attacked Poland? The list gets a LOT longer, and my outlook (xenophobia as you call it) isn't based on the American experience, it is based on studying human experience as a

A few you missed

Sure. Who do you think built the bunkers and performs renovations/expansions? I'll bet those tasks are performed by civilian construction firms, just like ours. The scientists working in these bunkers? Probably physicists from universities in Tehran who are 'on loan' and conducting research and development using the

I think peace is attainable, we have peace now with our counterparts (Russia, China, England, France, Germany, India, etc. etc.). Conflicts in failed states such as Afghanistan and Somalia I would consider akin to police activity (same as using a swat team to take down a bank robber) so I don't consider us truly at

How is being a student of history and admitting that all totalitarian regimes throughout history are inherently aggressive (and there is no legitimate claim that Russia is a free democracy after 13+ years of rule by the same guy when there are 8 year limits in their constitution) being xenophobic?

Lets see... in the last 4 years Russia has invaded a neighbor and annexed part of its territory, subverted democracy in Ukraine and now has a puppet government in place who is quickly and unabashedly aligning itself with Russia while suppressing political descent and has assassinated the President of Poland (according

No, you would drop 4 or 5 of these on 4 or 5 bunkers, and follow that up with a concerted aerial bombardment that takes out highways, bridges, power plants, manufacturing/industry and conventional military installations, like we did to Iraq in the lead up to Desert Storm.

wasn't trolling, was just pointing out that people die in war, didn't keep us from conducting war during Vietname, Korea, WWII (and fire bombing hundreds of thousands of civilians in Tokyo prior to the nuke drops), WWI or the civil war. All of which had plenty of civilians die (during the civil war Sherman's march to

imagine how many Americans would be dead / raped / forced into labor camps if we didn't have a first class military capable of deterring the aggression of foreign powers.

you have to remember that most people in this country (at this point) have grown up without the specter of the soviet Union, with America as an undisputed super power and guarantor of the peace. Most people don't realize that the only reason expansion oriented regimes such as (working backwards in time) the Soviet

FYI if we told Russia that hands down, we would not interfere in what they do, cart blanche, they would invade Georgia (to their South), Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Khazakstan, Uzbekastan and the rest of the old Soviet Union without hesitation. They would take these territories the way Stalin took them prior