Driven several, yes.
Driven several, yes.
I dunno. Yes, I’d love to see them get back to the cheap stuff, but then there’s very little that’s genuinely cheap any more that would be interesting to see them work on, and they’re now covering a lot of cars - like the Alfasud for example - that they really should have covered earlier on, when they were genuinely…
I’d go as far as saying I prefer TG US to the last several series of the UK one. Okay, most of the challenges etc were cribbed from the UK series... but then, those challenges were before the UK one became absolutely ridiculous. The GM-car challenge was easily as funny as the British car one from the UK.
The frustrating thing isn’t that Fast N Loud is crap, it’s that it actually started off as something really watchable, much like most of those automotive shows, but as it gained traction it started to play to a formula. I genuinely enjoyed the first few series were they were working out of a tiny shop and appeared to…
Oh joy, another Kinja offshoot where I’m not yet out of the grey.
I completely agree - but really, despite what hundreds of people on Jalopnik will say without having so much as sat in one, it’s not even a bad car.
I’d quite like to own an NX, so that’s definitely a relevant post.
Understood, but then Hondas, and indeed Japanese cars in general are in relatively short supply in European markets that aren’t the UK. It was unusual to have a Civic of any sort in mainland Europe, let alone an EK.
Europe and Japan only, and the European versions were five door hatchback Domanis, usually, not EKs.
That sounds suspect. As far as I understand it, human activity outputs vastly more greenhouse gas emissions than volcanoes. This page even references Pilmer’s comments:…
Would almost be NP if the wheels and Recaros remained present. As it is, scrapes a CP.
Pssht. Still think the Clio V6 should have been on there...
Why can I not give more stars for a neat White Stripes reference?
One of these works for me. No, it’s not from an exotic marque, and it’s not even particularly fast by modern standards. But every time I see one, I remember that volume manufacturers (Renault especially) still have a wicked streak, and that someone high up in management somewhere is cool enough to let the engineers be…