
Sounded good to me, so I just checked coverage (http://www.clear.com/coverage). The review did mention limited coverage only in certain urban areas, but I was still surprised HOW limited. If I'm in an urban area and only need to use data occasionally, a cafe with free wi-fi is never far away.

Just a heads-up...From the reviews, it sounds like these Magic Mice are more "used" than "refurbished". They certainly aren't refurbished by Apple, whose factory-refurb products are as good as brand new.

Also, a Subaru WRX is a rip-off because, although it's faster and more versatile than a Prius, it costs more and gets worse gas mileage.

Strikes me like the first iPhone — a first attempt that's rough around the edges, but you know you're (almost) holding the future.

Any idiot can look good in a tailored suit — but if you're REALLY fashionable, you'll give the vague impression of being homeless...


Oh, I thought Amazon had to take the store down because they were launching a new Kindle. ;-)

Same here. My "Top 10" went from Burn Notice/Alias/White Collar to cartoons in one day after my 6-year-old stayed home sick.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

I agree. I'll often hear about something here first, but end up passing along a similar story from another site to co-workers, since they're closer to 35 than to 15.

Two: RT and Pro. Each available in two capacities.

My co-worker had the same thing happen when he moved from the iPhone 4 to the 5. Even new, without installing any apps, it was chewing through his cellular data at an alarming rate. As a result, the battery life was around 6-8 hours. The Genius Bar swapped out the phone for a new one twice, but the problem

Great, now some idiot will reverse the polarity and it'll be bath salts rage all over again!


I see what you're saying — using both is redundant, right? :-)