
Little kids are the most terrifying entities on the planet. They will randomly strike you in your naughty bits for no reason at all, and then throw up on you before demanding you make them a batch of chicken nuggets. If you retaliate you go to jail. No paranormal involvement is required.

This terrified my sister. It caused a real problem for a few months because my Dad told her that sharks could swim up into the toilet. Every time she had to go she'd finish screaming and sprinting out of the bathroom.

An intelligent parent would unplug the console and lock it in their closet, or maybe just put it on a tall shelf. The NES was not that big and didn't weigh much. I stuffed it in my backpack a few times to take it to a friend's house.

Well, she certainly seems a little high-maintenance. I wonder the following

I'm pretty sure the scantily clad women were the impetus for the game's inclusion in the hearings. Predatory blood drinking was A-OK with the senate in '92. Still is.

Well, thank goodness he didn't summon a zord of some sort for the break-ins. That would've ended badly.

I'm glad there's some science around this, but I really don't trust the numbers. The first study indicates data is taken from "Patient health questionnaire #9". It's a scantron form that a patient fills out, which is entirely subjective. And the thing it's affecting is also subjective. If I utter the phrase "I'm

But how are bitcoins an equivalent for labor? I'm flummoxed because I can't translate the effort. The dollar is my labor equivalent. I work, produce, and earn. In a larger economy, I need a stand-in. The grocery store places no particular value on my skillset and abilities. It just doesn't matter to them. But

But to whom is the base value pretty? I'm still not understanding what the result of a "mine" is. I've looked at a few sources, and it seems like it's just big chunks of data containing solved mathematical equations. I can see that being attractive to a certain audience, but not in the way a diamond is. I can't

My laziness is indeed extreme. You have me at the point of your rapier. Would you care to finish with a master stroke?

I'm even more confused now. People earn bitcoins by setting up computational networks to solve mathematical equations, and then validate sets of data and get a bonus. So, rather than gold or silver, the primary value is in these solved equations and sets of data. Who values that? Worked example

I'm not sure that link represents an endorsement of bitcoin. Maybe there's a default filter I'm not seeing, but these are the places, worldwide, that currently accept bitcoin

The base model is to sign up and dedicate computing resources to the bitcoin distributor - you give them computing power, they give you virtual currency.

I had no idea what bitcoin was. It took me two links to get the basics. It's a currency you earn for providing computing power. It seems to work on the same principle of the SETI program in the late 90's - you download a program and let it run. Your CPU chugs the data and helps solve a problem in absentia. Except

I think that's the Federal Reserve's tagline.

As an added bonus, you can skip the chest wax!

In the recesses of my mind, I remember a game that came with a CD. It was called "Nightmare" of "Fearscape" or something equally terrifying. The CD was scary music with intermittent narration. You'd roll dice and move around the board. Then the gravedigger (or whatever he was) would yell "STOP!" and then issue an

Can someone please explain to me the value of insurance in this scenario? That's almost half the cost to put product on the market. Is that just a blanket charge imposed because indie developers may/have produced offensive, possibly litigious software?

I'd hang up prints of those in my man-cave.
