
I don't see what could be debateable about the content. We all agree that Rick Perry is a divisive prick that is undeserving of being mentioned in the same sentence with the word "president". That was the message you got, right?

Who promised free money? I must have missed that part. Is there some secret black president that I'm not aware of? Because Obama is pretty centrist. Possibly right of center, what with his giveaway-to-the-insurance industry of a healthcare plan, and kowtowing to the republicans on their tax cuts for the rich.

Nothing in what I said was racist. Now you're just being dramatic.

Please point to the mission statement on Gizmodo.com that promises to only write about technology. Go ahead and find it. I'll wait.

1. Make yourself the victim of an evil liberal media and a devious band of internet hooligans.

That's fair. I'm not trying to claim it will always work 100%. Of course it can get caught on something, and then there won't be enough line to reach the surface. But generally speaking, the concept is sound.

It will let them know where the drone is. If the drone video feed sees your back, you know it's behind you.

All the reasons Acemonster stated, plus the fact that so far, Apple seems to only allow a certain number of OS updates on a particular model of phone. At some point, they are going to stop pushing OS updates for the iPhone 4, and the 4S will probably receive another update after that. For $100, plus all the other

Never said I was better than you. We are discussing facts and I do think I'm smarter than you.

Snow is a solid. Snow in an avalanche, however, behaves like a fluid. A viscous fluid. Everything you said after your first paragraph is irrelevant because you don't agree with that one simple fact. Perhaps you think you are smarter than people who are trying to bring a product to market, who couldn't possible have

You can't paint anonymous with that brush, because anyone can be anonymous. You can go murder small cuddly things and call yourself anonymous; it doesn't make the rest of the group culpable.

The gas in the balloon is also irrelevant. It's like saying a boat needs helium to float. It doesn't; it displaces the fluid with a medium lighter than the fluid. Sure, helium would provide even more bouyancy, but not very much in this context. If you pull an air balloon and a helium balloon underwater and let them

2GB is plenty for Win7, you should investigate the actual issue or see what's using all that RAM if it really is a ram bottleneck.

Why? Because I don't want or need to buy 7 for all my machines.

The balloon could go in any direction; uphill, downhill, it's irrelevant. They have a life line that leads to you. They may have to dig 20 feet after finding the balloon, but that's a lot easier than searching acres and acres of mountain to find you.

You've got the commenting part down, now work on the reading comprehension.

OWS actually accomplished a lot. They changed the conversation. Before OWS, the media was stuck in tea party mode and "the defecit is the big problem". In other words, they were stuck talking about the things conservatives wanted to talk about. After OWS? Income inequality. Bailouts for the rich and nobody else. The

I never got that far into it before I kicked out my ex wife (it was her beardie), but the hardest part is getting the box built, and putting in somewhere where they will survive (not too hot or cold). Other than that you just put some food in a sponge periodically, and they pretty much breed and feed on their own.

If you can stand to make your own cricket breeding box, they are very cheap to own. But yeah, in a dorm, not practical. Lots of dorms have rules against pets anyway.

I don't see how that is relevant. I'm talking about service availability. It's not that it isn't accurate; it's that it can't contact apple to service my request.