
This is what happens when you can no longer hire Jeffrey Tambor.

I turn 50 in 12 days, so I know exactly how you feel.

Just saw the same thing. I’m a little younger than Bob but it’s occurred to me lately that, I’m in the demo for heart attacks and stroke and Lord knows what else. Like 5 years ago, if I had a heart attack it would’ve been tragic. Now, it’s like “well...he was in his 50's...”.

If they were filming outdoors in the New Mexico summer, it sounds an awful lot like heatstroke, which can be very serious. Organs can be damaged, which takes some lengthy recovery time, maybe even up to a year. The first 2 days are critical to lessening the damage, so I’m sure that’s why we’re not hearing anything

I think that the headline should use "reportedly" rather than "allegedly" dudes. C'mon.  It's not an allegation.

Somebody on Reddit pointed out that saying something that was meant to be reassuring but that actually freaks everyone out more is a total Tobias move.

OMG I forgot he was in that season of Fargo.   How in God’s name has the man not received an Emmy. 

Yeah I definitely feel like they had it ready to go.

This weirdly reads like a mini-obituary and I don't like it. 

I hope this is just exhaustion and not something more serious.

Kinda surprised they went with later season Elaine hair. I mean yes it *looks* better, but come on. We want the classic Elaine. You know, kinda short, big wall o’ hair, face like a frying pan.

His acting chops started to decline after Jaws and Close Encounters anyway...

Or Applebee’s!

Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

The video is called “Diarrhea In The Pool.”  Isn’t that warning enough?

Shh, Devan. That’s not how science works on the internet! You’re meant to go “Oh, gosh, this guy is a professor of computer science! Science! Therefore, he’s obviously smarter than anyone else when it comes to talking about *insert name of field completely unrelated to computer science*!”

I love Ilana. I think she has this