
it took a minute for it to register with me too because I only know about 2-3 of the characters’ first names on this show.  

I don’t think Joshua did. He got her name wrong, but he said “ the mother of Betty’s arch-nemesis.” Which is poorly worded—Betty didn’t dislike Mare, but Mare was annoyed with her for pestering her—but a jokey way of saying it without using names. Since Alston says it got the biggest laugh, finding out that it was


This is the only thing related to Trump women that I actually support.

Those are all useful applications for sure, but I highly doubt that’s the “market” they’re going for. 

I already have Clamp Champion gizmos, so this is up my alley. If it has a quick draw mechanism so that the smart phone pops out of my sleeve on queue, then I’m in.

I really miss that caliber of prose on this site.  

Hey, it can be two things: Stodden can be a victim of abuse and a terrible person who probably shouldn’t be on TV. Kinda like O’Neal can be a “former AV Club writer,” and one of, like, three or four people who all but made this site.

Sorry, multiple things can be true. She may have been groomed and let down by multiple levels of society and somehow passed through far too many safety nets that should have prevented all of this from happening.

Be sure to wave your arms and scream a lot when you do it. Women love that.

Gonna pop the question this weekend. She already knows it’s coming but doesn't know when. Gonna pop out of the bushes

Makes sense for a man with a son who murdered a dog.  (I take any excuse I can to remind everyone that Mike Huckabee’s son murdered a dog.)

What makes you think I give a fuck about helping a Duggar?

...unless you’re Josh Duggar

Something something easybake

Man says, “Doctor, I feel too coddled by this PC Culture. Nothing shocks me anymore.”

“Nobody, sweetie.”

You think Mike and Sarah have fucked?

A.A. Dowd is an a.a.rdvark.

Finished mixing the watermelon thing today after some 30 hours. With pure sugar it tasted like a Jolly Rancher. Ton of sugar at the bottom of the bowl. Then I added champagne vinegar (3/4 cup) and I should have left it there but finished with another 1/4 cup apple cider. Now it tastes like vinegar! Ha haha. But it’s