
Well, then demonstrate that. Again, my main problem here is that they didn't make their case against her.

That is a straw man argument. No one is demanding that level of detail or historical analysis. Bottom line: you weaken your satire when you cannot directly lampoon your subject on some demonstrable aspect of their behavior. They lampooned the Trump proxy very effectively but Clinton was just called a name with

I cannot even parse how people can hear Trump's rhetoric with their own fucking ears and think:

And I am cool with that. Make the joke but make sure you can back up the joke.

But after Gore v Bush those views are somewhat naive. I bought into that shit too in the 90s, but I painfully grew out of it watching George W. and Co. orchestrate their magnificent clusterfuck. The differences between these two groups is quite vast. It doesn't excuse corruption on either side but pretending they are

What bothers me is that they could have done a far better job satirizing her. She is a politician and she will bend the truth and outright lie to keep herself out of trouble. They could have at least gone after the inconsistencies in her email testimony.

Really curious what evidence you have that Clinton is "evil" which is based on actual fact and not some Brietbart wankfest?

The problem here is that Matt and Trey did nothing to make that argument against Hillary. They called her Turd Sandwich without backing it up. The only thing she is shown doing in the episode is saying that the polls don't matter when Garrison/Trump is in the lead. Hardly damning. In contrast, they give more than

Hank was instrumental in pioneering emojis.

The scene really took me out of the show upon first watching it but I watched the encore of the episode and, when you expect it and it isn't completely jarring and out of place, it has a flow that I found sort of beautiful in contrast to all that mayhem.

It's an awesome bit of early 70s hard-rocking psychedelia called "Sorcerer" by an obscure band named Junction who were trying to move in on Zeppelin's occult vibe. It's on that YouTube thing all the kids are going on about.

Easily the best episode of this show I have seen. I don't watch every week but I knew from the synopsis that it would be unique. I was very happy to see that they pulled it off quite well. I really wish this kind of thing would happen more on television. It's often the unconventional episodes of a series, i. e.

Yeah, I'm not saying that's the best way. In fact it may use up resources that are extremely scarce.

Exactly! And even if they didn't give a shit about anyone else down that road, what happens if when they finally cut the walkers loose they get turned around again and head back where the came from? Even if only half get turned around it is a big problem.

It just seems that when you have something contained the best way to move is in a way that reinforces the containment.

This is true. It would have used up a shit load of a valuable resource. No doubt.

The quarry is so deep that a raging walker fire doesn't seem like much of problem at all. Just let it burn itself out. The fire will consume all the fuel eventually.

It seems as if they could have found some way to firebomb that quarry and at least thin out that horde some. Herding that many zombies through country roads is just bound to go south.

I love this small but brilliant conceit. It makes us, the viewers, mere figments in Elliot's mind. We can only hear what he thinks because he has dreamed us into existence.

I did not expect to tune into this show tonight and discover the most frightening horror movie I've seen in ages.