I was watching these videos tonight. It is clear she is completely enthralled by this man. He presents as an entity of compassionate benevolence, a wise guru who will reunite his students with their authentic soul.
I was watching these videos tonight. It is clear she is completely enthralled by this man. He presents as an entity of compassionate benevolence, a wise guru who will reunite his students with their authentic soul.
Your GIF is proof that the real strength of this episode resides in just how fucking creepy Mr. Chuckleteeth is visually.
Isn’t the New York FBI office rumored to have a pretty substantial pro-Trump faction? Allegedly that’s why Giuliani knew in advance about the Comey letter. It was leaked to him by the FBI.
Everyone knows that real grifters prefer furniture made from cocobolo.
It is like a terrible version of Orwell’s 1984 in which the dictator is such a mercurial idiot that his administrators must adjust the public’s perception of reality almost daily to cover for his endless blunders.
The day he took that that picture, was the greatest day he’s ever known.
This is the first thing I thought of. Cocaine is a helluva drug.
When your ideas are so toxic that you can’t get people to vote for you, you find ways around the people. And then you wrap the fetid rot of your corruption in a big American flag and dump glittering confetti on it.
Sadly, a democracy can’t guarantee that fascists who care nothing for the democratic process won’t be voted into power. And once inside, there is little anyone can do to stop them from undermining the democracy they preside over.
This is what they consider to be a fair district, if by the word fair you mean looking like Atari graphics from the 1980s and benefiting the Pennsylvania GOP exclusively.
This is what they consider to be a fair district, if by the word fair you mean looking like Atari graphics from the 1980s and benefiting the Pennsylvania GOP exclusively.
Every single one of those notes are what people normally do when listening to people who have gone through a horrific tragedy. He is such a psychopath he needs crib notes on how to appear empathetic.
“What’s Kinja?”
These people really are the Keystone Cops of corrupt government. We are actually lucky they suck at it so bad.
I just know I am going to be walking past a fragrance counter and some woman working there is going to spray Pussy right in my face.
lol! Your comment reminded me of Kristen Schall’s brilliant stand-up bit, “The Taint Monologues”.
I can confirm that in 1997, Wishbone shoved his snout in my crotch without my permission and I personally witnessed him do it to several others.
By the time The Walking Dead comes on I am usually pretty lit. I used to think this is why I found myself scrambling during a lot of episodes to figure out what was going on.
Pardoning Manafort would probably have major negative ramifications for Trump. Which means he is probably stupid enough to do it.
Damn. Woman is a chameleon.