
Those 8 months when Kate Upton was relevant seems like 10 years ago.

Lemme tell you about this bad beat poker hand from 11 years ago!

I think you have to look at it in context and juxtapose the usage. Would Phil say that Mike Pence is in Donald Trump’s posse? I would say no, and therefore in the context, it’s mildly/moderately race related.

It’s like the hustle/gritty/whatever scouting reports. The words are not inherently race related, but those

I’m not much for buzzwords. I just think it’s good when people can see from others’ perspectives and recognize that not everybody enjoys the same position in life.



Is Chapstick like nasal spray in that the more you use it the more you need it?

So you only work in absolutes. Relativism has no place in the work force? Got it.

Isn’t Starbucks one of the best case scenarios for lower wage workers? It was my understanding that they have been offering benefits and stuff for years before anyone gave that to service industry workers.

I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.


“Does he know about D-Day and the subsequent liberation of Europe?”

The debt is a really hard issue to debate as it is a pretty complex topic and the majority of the viewers aren’t clear between the debt and the deficit. Considering Trump never offers policy proposals, I’m not sure what he would say about it other than he is the only person who could fix our debt problem overnight.

Can we talk about the name Caleb? Never in my life have I met a Caleb who was not insufferable.

Come on, that’s not really all that weird. Cut the man some slacks.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

“Cuts both ways” is a figure of speech!

I love to ride. I bike year ‘round in New England. Refuse to own a car.
But I don’t have a whit of this guy’s balls or commitment to the life.

Thanks for posting this. Have donated.

I don’t get why saying “puts on glasses” turns a shitty pun into a clever one, and yeah, I know who David Caruso is.

If a shoe and apparel company wants advertising on the site in association with a viral hoax they can call our sales department.