Chairface Chippendale

All things considered he landed in the “best possible way”. A couple inches either way and he has a shattered shoulder on whatever side he lands on, a broken neck, or a broken skull.

Like everything else about the Patriots, this story is listed as QUESTIONABLE.

I’m not saying that tommy t ruins players, but goddam tommy t ruins players

It’s a bit hypocritical of Kerr to criticize Trump and then blatantly copy his leadership style.

I look forward to his apology

Gee, it’s shocking that a sportswriter who’s already once been fired for plagiarism and has a long history of writing insane things might not have the strictest standards when it comes to vetting his sources.

TC beat his ass in the Super Bowl twice and now the Eagles.

Shut your whore mouth. Boban is a goddamn beast and a national treasure despite being from Serbia.

WEEI really just needs to let Dale and Holley just do the whole day. It takes a special kind of moron to insult - not just a child of a guest - but the child of your QB who’s been to 8 Super Bowls. Maybe just say, “HEY CUTE KID :D!” next time.

Also Sim Earth existed and sucked.

Such a good game. Did you play multiplayer as Oddjob? Because fuck you if you did.

River City Ransom

Bahaha my pc started buffering right here. Still hasn’t started playing. I assume someone palmed Barea’s head and chucked him into the stands

Kevin Durant lost any ability to run his mouth and criticize others when he got caught arguing with trolls from burner accounts on Twitter. Grow the fuck up man. You’re like the 3rd best player on the planet AT WORST, stop worrying what other people think and sure as hell don’t dare criticize Clint Capela when you

President Trump has already called out Barea for opposing the Wall.

“May God one day grant us all the self-assurance necessary to do whatever the real-life equivalent of joining a 73-win team is, and then proceed to lecture people about not working hard enough.”

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