Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

What’s particularly funny about this is that the owner had actually spent months applying for a S$15,000 (almost $11,000 USD) low-emissions rebate under the TLA’s system, only to get hit with a S$15,000 fine instead.

Blech, Red Bull. Stopped watching as soon as I figured out this was a goddamn red bullshit commercial.

Here we go again with this nut wing screaming about man made climate warming which has been proven to be just bullshit created by the assclowns pushing for CARBON TAXES.

“More convenient”? Bro, you must the fucking laziest little man ever if you can’t handle dealing with a separate pillow and mat. Maybe you should just stay in your crib and leave the camping for the bigger boys.

How about a way to identify the Banksters who ruined the economy and who are now creating false flags to cajole the public into focusing on that instead of themselves, the real criminals?

Blah blah blah more bullshit from the warmonger. Can't someone make this booger disaappear?

You seem like a dumb individual

Sean McDonald’s definitely guilty of encouraging dangerous, retarded behavior. Seems rather infantile to me, but who knows...maybe he's retarded himself.

Speaking of dicks, Little Man Sean might want to unzip his skinny pants and let his little dicky relax a little.

Lol! Lame. You wouldn't know good drifting if it came up and bit you, little man.

Damn, you are one mindless idiot, aren't you? Bless your heart.

What manner of brutal bullshit is this? What are we, suddenly back in time a few centuries? Grow the fuck up, Neanderthals, and stop beating on each other for money and sport already.

U mad, bro? Lol!

U mad, bro?

Ah, the price of environmentally harmful burn outs and stupidity. He got what he deserved.

Wait, people still use facebook?

U mad that MB makes better cars than BMW, bro?

Yes...everyting, mon!!!!!

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.