Good Grief, Charlie Brown!


Then you are part of the problem. FUCK your stupid service in Saudi Arabia, you fucking clown. Bet you feel like a “real man” don't you, clown?

“Military intelligence” ...kind of like “honest politician”, an oxymoron. It's all bullshit, much like your clown comments.

You fuck off yourself with your soiled panties, clown.

“Fantastic original thought”? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

But hey, the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL CARTEL made bank, and that's all that matters!

And which claims are those, asswipe?

Yes, it is: FUCK OFF, CLOWN.

Just another stupid-as-shit fat piggy who deserves roasting.

That'll teach him.


Can only speak for the basic Brabus package -which is more than plenty — but I’m hearing also about some good stuff from Renntech and some other arcane modder I’m forgetting....

Perfect for a lightweight like yourself, sir.

Don't you realize that's an oboe, you dolt?

“Losing your shit,” “holy crap,” “soiling yourself”....bro: you got some real hang-ups there.

Hopefully there’ll be many new opportunities for the armed forces to decimate and annihilate! Best case scenario a GLOBAL WAR to consolidate even more power and control to the Banksters and military industrial cartel!

Hmm, not really. When you have a real, artisanal cookie made of premium, organic, non-refined ingredients, it's truly better tasting than the cheap, Oreos or generic, sugar overload stuff that passes for cookies. You'll see.

Wow, you mean they're all worse than this?

Wrong, fatty.

Lol, you're not even making sense, bro. Put down the pipe.