
Isn't this post from the other day?

But also because they can't keep it to themselves for very long because it's all-consuming and vaguely culty.

I mean, given that the sole purpose of hooking up, it doesn't seem surprising that people are undeterred from hooking up...

But like, I've trawled for dick on grindr. We all have. If you, as a gay man (using "you" in the general sense), claim you've never gotten on grindr exclusively search for low-effort sex partners, you're a liar.

In my experience, people who do Crossfit are physically unable to keep the fact to themselves. It comes pouring out of their mouths at every opportunity.

Which is amazing, considering the amount of eye-poppingly gnarly shit he posts.

See, as a single gay dude going to school in a VERY small town in what we'll term the hinterland of human civilization, I just don't have a lot of options besides grindr. Like yes, men significantly older than my dad message me "u into cok qt? fit older looking 4 suk n fuk". But the nearest gay bar is approximately

Guy here, for what it's worth, most of us would like your profiles to give some insight into your real life. It's like O RLY? You really like Thailand and Bali and South Africa (because you went each place one time). Well that's great those places are indeed amazing. But if we're going to be in a relationship it's

Well who is providing the Nutella?

LOL on Catcher in the Rye.

"Why they haven't made Oreos with a single cookie sandwiched between two discs of frosting"

Duh... because they'd all stick together. Sheesh.*

*This is why I'm a failure at online dating btw.

yeah ok but

GAWD can we stop with the "horny/vulgar shit dudes said on social dating sites" pieces on Jez? As though that's news or interesting or outside of what's available for any random person to experience immediately, right now? Or for that matter, as though it's anything we haven't heard Jez digest a BILLION times over?

I submit for this equation the Nash Ambassador AirFlyte. A warm car in the rain with seats that fold into a bed to rest on under your blogger's duvet. All this with a front that, as Jay Leno points out, resembles Rodney Dangerfield.

You're right, you're right, dating/fucking apps.

Grindr is a hookup app, not a dating app. Of course dudes are just going to respond to anything with some variation of "want to bone?" It's the nature of the app. And, honestly, trolling dudes who are just trying to get laid just so you can make fun of them on Tumblr is pretty fucking homophobic and pretty shitty.

No matter how much you drink...
No matter how alluring it looks...

Here in the UK, a traditional summer weekend trip to the seaside would be completed by sitting in a car in the rain whilst watching the waves lash in to a bleak foreshore. If you're really doing it properly you will be eating fish and chips in the car, so that the windows steam up and all of the car's controls get a

But but but the Greek system is 100 percent horrible and uses gang rape initiation rituals and is a symbol of white privilege and rape culture and douchebag frat bros and OH GOD MY HEAD HURTS

Even that tie?